Read more: LabyREnth CTF 2016 – 1 – LastChance
Note: For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.For example, an ARM Translator. Download IPA: infected When you extract the file, we’ll have the .ipa file, and the folder.Inside of this folder we have the LastChance executable. file LastChance LastChance: Mach-O 64-bit x86_64 executable, flags We can use ghidra for inspect this binary.After load, we have the entry…
Read more: Hack The Box – Cryptohorrific – @lautarovculic
Difficult: Medium Category: Mobile OS: iOS Description: Secure coding is the keystone of the application security! After downloading the compressed file and decompressing it, we will have a folder where inside we find the files we need: The hackthebox file, is the main file of the program that contains the binary files. The .plist file…