📱 Mobile Security Engineer
🔍 Reverse iOS & Android Applications.
🌐 D1stinct member
📩 Open to new opportunities and collaborations.
🤖 +70 machines.
🎯 +45 challenges.
🏰 6 fortress.
🔬 1 prolab.
📝 40 writeups.
🎯 +5 challenges.
📝 5 writeups.
🏆 TOP 1%
🚀 +200 machines!
🐞 1 vulnerability found.
🎖️ 6 badges.
🐞 1 vulnerability found.
🎖️ 2 badges.
🐋 3 in DeepSeek Mobile Apps.
⭕ 4 in Oracle Mobile Apps.
AD AES AHE17 android broadcast bsides cracking crypto ctf DCSync deeplinks deserialization forensic frida ghidra h1-702 hacker101 hackthebox hash hooking htb IDOR intent jadx JNI labyrenth LFI libnatives linux logs MHL mobile nahamcon obfuscation pwnsec RCE reversing smali smb SQLi tool webview windows writeup XSS