Read more: Mobile Hacking Lab – Captain Nohook
Description: Welcome to the iOS Application Security Lab: Captain No Hook Anti-Debugging Challenge. This challenge focuses on a fictitious app called Captain No Hook, which implements advanced anti-debugging / jailbreak detection techniques. Your objective is to bypass these protections and retrieve the hidden flag within the app. Download: Final Steps Install an IPA file can be difficult.So, for…
Read more: Mobile Hacking Lab – Run Time
Description: Welcome to the iOS Application Security Lab: Dynamic Library Injection Challenge. This challenge focuses on a fictitious app called Run Time , which tracks the steps while running. Your objective is to bypass the app’s protections, deliver the exploit and gain code execution utilizing the dynamic library injection. Download: Install an IPA file can be difficult.So, for…
Read more: Mobile Hacking Lab – No Escape
Description: Welcome to the iOS Application Security Lab: Jailbreak Detection Evasion Challenge. The challenge centers around a fictitious app called No Escape, designed with robust jailbreak detection mechanisms. Your mission is to bypass these mechanisms and gain full access to the app’s functionalities using Frida. Download: Install an IPA file can be difficult.So, for make it more easy,…
Read more: AHE17: Android Hacking Events 2017 (Why Should I Pay?)
For this challenge, probably we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.For example, an ARM Translator. For download the APK Install the apk with adb adb install -r WhyShouldIPay.apk And decompile the apk with apktool Load the apk to jadx-gui for see the source codeWe can see in the first activity that we have the VERIFY button, that give us an error.And the PREMIUM CONTENT button, that show us…
Read more: Micro-CMS v2 – Hacker101 CTF – @lautarovculic
Difficulty: Moderate Skills: Web Flags: 3 Flag 1/3 The /page/1 Say: This version fixed the multitude of security flaws and general functionality bugs that plagued v1. Additionally, we added user authentication; we’re still not sure why we didn’t think about that the first time, but hindsight is 20/20. By default, users need to be an…