Some projects may not be on my site, but they will be on my GitHub.
Read more: burpCertAndroid
This is an automated script for installing BurpSuite certificate in Android devices. GitHub BurpSuite Cert for Android Installer – v1 The script was tested and developed for Android devices running in Genymmotion. If you have errors in the execution of the script, visit the step by step in the post I have written: POST Setup…
Read more: pwnFi
Simple Wi-Fi cracking automation. GitHub Description This Bash script is designed for performing Wi-Fi penetration testing attacks, specifically targeting WPA/WPA2 networks using PSK (Pre-Shared Key). It supports two attack modes: Handshake and PKMID attack. The script automates various steps including setting up monitor mode, capturing handshakes or PKMID messages, deauthentication, and cracking passwords using Aircrack-ng…
Read more: zChecksum
Tool to obtain and compare hashes. Python >= 3.9 pip install hashlib pip install colorama Usage python <file_name> python <file_name> [hash] The [hash] arg is optional. This hash will compare the hashes that were obtained from the <file_name>. Code # Lautaro Daniel Villarreal Culic’ # # ver 4.0 # REQUIRE…
Read more: zDirb
A Python script for enumerating directories and counting words in files with progress tracking. Table of Contents Description Prerequisites Usage Customization Description This Python script allows you to enumerate directories based on a provided URL and count the words in files located in those directories using a wordlist. It includes progress tracking with an interactive…
Read more: zStego
It is a steganography tool for hiding files and texts within an image. Programmed in .NET with Visual Basic.
Read more: Supervivencia
It is a comprehensive survival manual with a compass in Spanish. The Android application is made in Java.