Mobile Hacking Lab – No Escape

Description: Welcome to the iOS Application Security Lab: Jailbreak Detection Evasion Challenge. The challenge centers around a fictitious app called No Escape, designed with robust jailbreak detection mechanisms. Your mission is to bypass these mechanisms and gain full access to the app’s functionalities using Frida.

No Escape

Install an IPA file can be difficult.
So, for make it more easy, I made a YouTube video with the process using Sideloadly.

First, let’s unzip the .ipa file.
Also, let’s checks for hints in the strings of the binary.

					strings "No Escape" | grep -iE -A10 -B10 "jailbreak|jailbroken|isJailbroken|cydia|sileo"


					Jail broken device!
Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
Your device is jailbroken. This may compromise security. Quitting...
Default Configuration
Fatal error
Unresolved error
This is a test.

I tried use tools like frida or frida-trace for a deep understanding of what functions are called but I don’t get success.

Due that we don’t have enough time for the process.
So we can use radare2 and r2frida for spawn and work in time with the application.

But before, let’s search for the function.
Open ghidra and import the binary file.

NOTE: Enable Decompiler Parameter ID (for an extra exercise in the future)

After a simple research, I get the isJailbroken function that make the checks

					bool No_Escape::isJailbroken(void)
    bool bVar1;
    dword dVar2;
    dword local_18;
    dword local_14;

    // Check for the presence of common jailbreak-related files
    dVar2 = $No_Escape.(checkForJailbreakFiles_in__BCE8F13474E5A52C60853EA803F80A81)()->_Swift.Bool();

    if ((dVar2 & 1) == 0) {
        // If no jailbreak files are found, check if system directories are writable
        local_14 = $No_Escape.(checkForWritableSystemDirectories_in__BCE8F13474E5A52C60853EA803F80A81)()->_Swift.Bool();
    } else {
        // If jailbreak files are found, immediately mark the device as jailbroken
        local_14 = 1;

    if ((local_14 & 1) == 0) {
        // If system directories are not writable, check if Cydia can be opened
        local_18 = $No_Escape.(canOpenCydia_in__BCE8F13474E5A52C60853EA803F80A81)()->_Swift.Bool();
    } else {
        // If system directories are writable, mark the device as jailbroken
        local_18 = 1;

    if ((local_18 & 1) == 0) {
        // If Cydia cannot be opened, check for sandbox violations
        bVar1 = $No_Escape.(checkSandboxViolation_in__BCE8F13474E5A52C60853EA803F80A81)()->_Swift.Bool();
    } else {
        // If Cydia is accessible, mark the device as jailbroken
        bVar1 = true;

    // Return true if any of the checks indicate a jailbroken device
    return bVar1 != false;

That’s a boolean based function, which receive the values of the another functions.
Looking, we have checks like writeable pathsapp stores like Cydiacommon jailbreak files and some sandbox checking in case that Cydia don’t open.

So, if we just need make all functions return 0 (false), just need a simple command in r2frida.
First, let’s install it (with brew).

					brew install radare2

And then, the plugin

					r2pm -U && r2pm -i r2frida

Let’s search for the Bundle ID (package name for Android lovers)

					frida-ps -Uai | grep -i "escape"

Then now, let’s spawn (no attach) the application.

					r2 'frida://spawn/usb//com.mobilehackinglab.No-Escape.<REDACTED>'


					[0x100a64868]> :di0 `:iE~+isjailbr[0]`
[0x100a64868]> :dc
INFO: resumed spawned process
[0x100a64868]> Intercept return for 0x100a66068 with 0
Intercept return for 0x100a66068 with 0

This will executed in this order:

  • :iE → List all exported functions of the app.

  • ~+isjailbr[0] → Filter all functions containing the word “isjailbr“.

    • This uses radare2’s grep-like filtering (~+) to find matches dynamically.
    • [0] in isjailbr[0] → Selects the first function that matches the filter (index [0]).
  • :di0 → Intercepts the selected function and modifies its return value.
    The 0 in di0 does not refer to the index of the function, but rather the hook ID used by r2frida to track the interception.

  • :dc → Resumes execution of the process after modifying the function return.

And we’ll bypass the jailbreak detection.

But, I want patch this app (sorry MHL).

So, the patching is simple, if you look the previous image, you can notice that the highlighted text in the left, are the disassembly code.

So, after know what instruction corresponds to the binary value, we know where apply the patch.

  • LAB_10000a080
  • LAB_10000a0a4
  • LAB_10000a0c8
  • LAB_10000a0ec

But, where specifically?

  • 0x1 = True
  • 0x0 = False

We need the false value in every function.

					       10000a080 20 00 80 52     mov        w0,#0x1
       10000a084 a0 c3 1f b8     stur       w0,[x29, #local_14]
       10000a088 04 00 00 14     b          LAB_10000a098

In the four w0,#0x1 we need put w0,#0x0 (in LAB_10000a0ec you must leave w8, obviously)
How to patch?
Just right click in the instruction that you wish patch and select

The HEX value of each instruction must be 00 00 80 52
The least two patches must looks like

Now we need export as original file

Now it’s time to replace the original binary by our patched versions

Then, uninstall the original app and install -via Sideloadly- the new app.

After launch the app, we got the flag!

Flag: MHL{hidin9_in_p1@in_5i9h+}

I hope you found it useful (:

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