LabyREnth CTF 2016 – 2 – Cups

Note: For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.
For example, an ARM Translator.


After extract the file, we get the .apk
Install it with adb

					adb install -r ezFill.apk

We can see a login activity
So, for understand what the app do, we need decompile it.

					apktool d ezFill.apk

And open the apk file with jadx (GUI version)

We have just one activity in the package mx.fill.ez.cups.ezfill
The CupsLogin class is so extended. So I will show you just the necessary code for make this challenge.

We have some hardcoded usernames and password

					private static final String[] l = {"", "", "$", "!!", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "<3princess", "donkey@k0n.go:barre11$", "!"};

If we press the button get cups, this will give us an string.
More below, we have the method a(char[] cArr)

					public char[] a(char[] cArr) {  
        int[] iArr = {453, 431, 409, 342, 318, 293, 460, 273, 383, 369, 374, 466, 261, 380, 513, 267, 301, 266, 310, 437, 260, 325, 379, 333, 454, 350, 345, 460, 293, 303, 289, 290, 438, 373, 264, 309, 351};  
        char[] cArr2 = new char[iArr.length];  
        int length = iArr.length;  
        int length2 = cArr.length;  
        int i = 0;  
        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < length; i2++) {  
            int i3 = ((iArr[i2] - 2) ^ ((cArr[i] - 19) + 86)) >> 2;  
            if (i == length2 || cArr[i] == 0) {  
                i = 0;  
            cArr2[i2] = (char) i3;  
        return cArr2;  

This method have an obfuscation logic.

  • iArr Is the integer array that have some chars.
  • cArr Is the char array passed as arg.
  • The method iterates in each element of iArr.
  • For each index (i2) of iArr, is realized an XOR operation.

And we have another class and most important, the g class.
We have the following methods

  • a(char c, char c2)
					boolean a(char c, char c2) { return (c ^ c2) != 21;

This method take two chars c and c2, is XORed between and check if the result isn’t 21.

  • a(char c)
					boolean a(char c) {
    return ((c & 15) ^ c) != 96;

This method take one char, make an AND operation between c and 15 and then is XORed with the result and c. Check if the result isn’t 96.

  • b(char c)
					int b(char c) {
    return (c - 5) ^ 3;

This method take one char c and subtract 5, then is XORed with 3. Return the result of the operation.

  • c(char c)
					int c(char c) {
    return c * '\"';

This method take the c char and is multipled by 34.

  • d(char c)
					boolean d(char c) {
    return ((c & 15) == 4 && (c & 240) == 96) ? false : true;

This method take one char c and make two AND.
The first one with 15 (for obtain 4 bits less significant) and check if result is 4.
The second with 240 (for obtain 4 bits more significant) and check if result is 96.


  • a(String str, char c)
    Use the previous methods for verify each char of the password. And then, build an char array.

So, here’s a python script that make the brute force process.

					def decrypt(key):
    enc = [453, 431, 409, 342, 318, 293, 460, 273, 383, 369, 374, 466,
           261, 380, 513, 267, 301, 266, 310, 437, 260, 325, 379, 333,
           454, 350, 345, 460, 293, 303, 289, 290, 438, 373, 264, 309, 351]

    out = ""
    for i in range(len(enc)):
        cur = enc[i] - 2
        k = ord(key[i % len(key)]) + (86 - 19)  # 86 - 19 = 67
        cur ^= k
        cur >>= 2

        if cur > 255:
            return False
        out += chr(cur)

    return out

def brute_force():
    for c0 in range(32, 127):
        for c5 in range(32, 127):
            if (c0 ^ c5) != 21:  # a(char c, char c2) -> == 21
            for c1 in range(32, 127):
                if (c1 ^ (c1 & 15)) != 96:  # a(char c) -> == 96
                for c2 in range(32, 127):
                    if (c2 - 5) ^ 3 != 115:  # b(char c) ->  == 115
                    for c3 in range(32, 127):
                        if c3 * 34 != 3570:  # c(char c) -> == 3570
                        c4 = 100  # (d(char c) -> == 100)
                        for email4 in range(32, 127):  # 4th char of email
                            key = chr(email4) + chr(c0) + chr(c1) + chr(c2) + chr(c3) + chr(c4) + chr(c5)
                            res = decrypt(key)
                            if res and "PAN" in res:  # Searc for PAN (Flag format)
                                print(f"Flag: {res} ({key})")


And here’s the four corrects flags

PAN{da_cups_is_halfEmpty_||_halfFull} (=fluids)
PAN{da_cups_is_halfEmpty_||_halfFull} (>fluids)
PAN{da_cups_is_halfEmpty_||_halfFull} (?fluids)
PAN{da_cups_is_halfEmpty_||_halfFull} (@fluids)

I hope you found it useful (:

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