Download IPA:
Password: infected

When you extract the file, we’ll have the .ipa file, and the
Inside of this folder we have the LastChance
file LastChance
LastChance: Mach-O 64-bit x86_64 executable, flags
We can use ghidra for inspect this binary.
After load, we have the entry point.
But, we can search for some functions or hardcoded strings.
I found some interesting strings.

Let’s found where is used.
Taking a look at the right of the string, we can see one reference

Click on the XREF and we can see this function that is calling to the flag

And here is the code of our interest
void __TFC10LastChance14ViewController9WinWindowfSiT_(undefined8 param_1,undefined8 param_2)
puVar13 = auVar15._8_8_;
*puVar13 = 0x50;
puVar13[1] = 0x41;
puVar13[2] = 0x4e;
puVar13[3] = 0x7b;
puVar13[4] = 0x45;
puVar13[5] = 0x5a;
puVar13[6] = 0x45;
puVar13[7] = 0x5f;
puVar13[8] = 0x53;
puVar13[9] = 0x34;
puVar13[10] = 0x31;
puVar13[0xb] = 100;
puVar13[0xc] = 0x5f;
puVar13[0xd] = 0x54;
puVar13[0xe] = 0x68;
puVar13[0xf] = 0x31;
puVar13[0x10] = 0x35;
puVar13[0x11] = 0x5f;
puVar13[0x12] = 0x77;
puVar13[0x13] = 0x34;
puVar13[0x14] = 0x73;
puVar13[0x15] = 0x5f;
puVar13[0x16] = 0x45;
puVar13[0x17] = 0x61;
puVar13[0x18] = 0x35;
puVar13[0x19] = 0x79;
puVar13[0x1a] = 0x7d;
There are some hexadecimal values.0x500x410x4e0x7b0x450x5a0x450x5f0x530x340x310x640x5f0x540x680x310x350x5f0x770x340x730x5f0x450x610x350x790x7d
If we convert this, we get the flag
echo -n '0x500x410x4e0x7b0x450x5a0x450x5f0x530x340x310x640x5f0x540x680x310x350x5f0x770x340x730x5f0x450x610x350x790x7d' | sed 's/0x//g' | xxd -r -p
I hope you found it useful (:
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