Read more: RaziCTF 2020 – Chasing a lock
Description: As locks are so popular many will chase them but why? maybe a flag 🙂 Download: Install the APK with ADB adb install -r chasingALook.apk We can see that we need touch the icon 20.000 times.Let’s decompile it with apktool apktool d chasingALook.apk And let’s inspect the source code with jadx (GUI version).The package name is com.example.razictf_2 and there are just one activity, that is MainActivity. But there are some class like a1, a2,…
Read more: NahamCon CTF 2022 – Click Me!
Description: I created a cookie clicker application to pass the time. There’s a special prize that I can’t seem to get. Download: Install the apk with ADB adb install -r click_me.apk Decompile it with apktool apktool d click_me.apk Then, let’s open the apk with jadx (GUI version) for check source code.The package name is com.example.clickme. We have the MainActivity, and another class called ActivityMainBinding. But we’ll work with the first…
Read more: Google CTF Quals 2018 – Shall We Play A Game?
Description: Win the game 1,000,000 times to get the flag. Download APK: Install the apk with adb adb install -r shallweplayagame.apk It seems to be the game of tic-tac-toe, and we need 1,000,000 games won to get the flag.If we lose, the application closes and the counter will return to 0. Our intention will not be to win 1,000,000 games in a row. But it will…
Read more: LabyREnth CTF 2017 – 1 – EzDroid
Note: For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.For example, an ARM Translator. Download APK: Install the apk with adb adb install -r EzDroid.apk The app doesn’t launch, even if we start the activity with adb adb shell am start -n com.labyrenth.manykeys.manykeys/.EZMain So, let’s decompile it with apktool apktool d EzDroid.apk And let’s inspect the source…
Read more: BSides San Francisco CTF 2017 – pinlock
Description: It’s the developer’s first mobile application. They are trying their hand at storing secrets securely. Could one of them be the flag?Note: For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.For example, an ARM Translator. Download APK: Install the apk with adb adb install -r pinstore.apk Then, decompile with apktool apktool d pinstore.apk Notice…
Read more: IceCTF 2015 – Husavik
Description: This handy Android App is supposed to display the flag, but it’s not working!Note: For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.For example, an ARM Translator. Download APK: Install the apk with adb adb install -r husavik.apk Then, decompile it with apktool apktool d husavik.apk We can see inspecting the source code with jadx (GUI version)That in…
Read more: SECCON Quals CTF 2015 – Rock, Paper, Scissors
Description: Please win 1000 times in rock-paper-scissorsNote: For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.For example, an ARM Translator. Download APK: Install the apk with adb adb install -r rps.apk Then, decompile it with apktool apktool d rps.apk We can see the game Rock, Paper and Scissors.If we win, +1.Draw keep points and loose all the pointsWe need…
Read more: Trend Micro CTF 2015 – Offensive 200
Note: For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.For example, an ARM Translator. Download APK: Install the apk with adb adb install -r VirusClicker.apk And decompile with apktool apktool d VirusClicker.apk We can notice that the app isn’t responding. So I need install this app into an Android API29Let’s inspect the source code with jadx (GUI version)We have the SplashActivity, MainActivity, and…
Read more: TinyCTF 2014 – Oh! What does this button do?
Note: For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.For example, an ARM Translator. Download APK: When download the .zip file, we can extract this with 7z x The rev200 file is another zip file rev200: Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, compression method=deflate So, what is an apk? We can look this…
Read more: Pico CTF 2014 – Droid App
Category: ForensicsDescription: An Android application was released for the toaster bots, but it seems like this one is some sort of debug version. Can you discover the presence of any debug information being stored, so we can plug this? You can download the apk here. Note: For this challenge, we need install some things into…