Read more: NahamCon 2024 – Kitty Kitty Bang Bang
Description: I found a cool android app to play with a cowboy cat! There’s has to be more going on with the app I can’t see on my screen… Download: Install the APK with ADB adb install -r kittykittybangbang.apk Let’s decompile it with apktool apktool d kittykittybangbang.apk Also, we can inspect the source code with jadx (GUI version) We can see in the MainActivity…
Read more: NahamCon 2024 – Guitar
Description: Have you ever wanted to play the guitar on your phone? Here’s a free app, with all guitar strings included for free! Download: Install the APK with ADB adb install -r guitar.apk As the description say, probably the flag are hardcoded in the strings.xml resources.To make the writeup not so short, let’s make an explanation about the strings.xml resources. Android resources are files used to store…
Read more: NahamCon 2024 – Fly Away
Description: Lenny Kravitz lovers, this new app cleverly named “Fly Away!” can give you random lines from one of his most popular songs. Can you figure out how the songs are being sent to the app? Download: Install the APK with ADB adb install -r flyaway.apk This app was made in reFlutter. You need install it for proceed with…
Read more: NahamCon 2024 – Buggy Jumper
Description: Buggy Jumper is a new mobile game that can be enjoyable for both gamers and hackers! There’s a lot going on, can you get some of game’s source code to see whats happening behind the scenes? Download: Install the APK with ADB adb install -r buggyjumper.apk Let’s decompile it with apktool apktool d buggyjumper.apk The app has been…
Read more: NahamCon CTF 2022 – Click Me!
Description: I created a cookie clicker application to pass the time. There’s a special prize that I can’t seem to get. Download: Install the apk with ADB adb install -r click_me.apk Decompile it with apktool apktool d click_me.apk Then, let’s open the apk with jadx (GUI version) for check source code.The package name is com.example.clickme. We have the MainActivity, and another class called ActivityMainBinding. But we’ll work with the first…