Read more: BSides Canberra 2019 – You Shall Not Pass
Download: Install the correct APK, depends of your cpu device. You can check with getprop ro.product.cpu.abi In my case, is arm64-v8a.Then, install with ADB adb install -r PasswordChecker-arm64-v8a.apk We can see a simply password checker.That *return true or false*.Let’s inspect the source code with jadx (GUI version).And, decompile it with apktool apktool d PasswordChecker-arm64-v8a.apk We have the package name io.cybears.rev.passwordchecker and just one activity (MainActivity). And just the code that exists for our…
Read more: BSidesSF 2018 CTF – Reversing & Forensic Challenge
Download content: Install the APK with ADB adb install -r passwordVault.apk But first let’s take a look at the file passwordVaultDiskImage.We can see that ispasswordVaultDiskImage: XZ compressed data, checksum CRC64 We just need extract the file. 7z x passwordVaultDiskImage Try extract the new file again, there are a pew folder. This will drop a .fat file, we can use fatcat tool for inspect the content. fatcat…
Read more: BSides San Francisco CTF 2017 – flag-receiver
Description: Here is a simple mobile application that will hand you the flag.. if you ask for it the right way.P.S, it is meant to have a blank landing activity 🙂 Use string starting with Flag:Note: For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.For example, an ARM Translator. Download APK:…
Read more: BSides San Francisco CTF 2017 – pinlock
Description: It’s the developer’s first mobile application. They are trying their hand at storing secrets securely. Could one of them be the flag?Note: For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.For example, an ARM Translator. Download APK: Install the apk with adb adb install -r pinstore.apk Then, decompile with apktool apktool d pinstore.apk Notice…