Description: Descriptions are boring, just solve the challenge meh!
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Install the apk with ADB
adb install -r FireStorm.apk
Then, let’s decompile it with apktool
apktool d FireStorm.apk
Open jadx (GUI version) for look the Java code and inspect it.
We can see in the MainActivity the following code
public String Password() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String string = getString(R.string.Friday_Night);
String string2 = getString(R.string.Author);
String string3 = getString(R.string.JustRandomString);
String string4 = getString(R.string.URL);
String string5 = getString(R.string.IDKMaybethepasswordpassowrd);
String string6 = getString(R.string.Token);
sb.append(string.substring(5, 9));
sb.append(string4.substring(1, 6));
sb.append(string2.substring(2, 6));
sb.append(string5.substring(5, 8));
sb.append(string6.substring(18, 26));
return generateRandomString(String.valueOf(sb));
public native String generateRandomString(String str);
The following code takes some strings from the file strings.xml
The password would be predictable except that there is a function that generates a random string.
So we will have to call the function, to obtain the output (return) of the generated password.
For this, we will use frida.
Here’s a simple script
Java.perform(function () {
function locatePassword() {
console.log("[*] Attempting to locate MainActivity...");
Java.choose("com.pwnsec.firestorm.MainActivity", {
onMatch: function (activityInstance) {
console.log("[+] MainActivity found: " + activityInstance);
try {
console.log("[*] Calling Password()...");
let password = activityInstance.Password();
console.log("[+] Password obtained: " + password);
} catch (err) {
console.error("[-] Error while fetching Password(): " + err.message);
onComplete: function () {
console.log("[*] MainActivity search completed.");
const delayMs = 5000;
console.log(`[!] Delaying execution by ${delayMs / 1000} seconds...`);
setTimeout(function () {
console.log("[*] Proceeding to locate Password...");
}, delayMs);
We run the app and script, then, we can get this output:
[!] Delaying execution by 5 seconds...
[Redmi Note 8::PID::26744 ]-> [*] Proceeding to locate Password...
[*] Attempting to locate MainActivity...
[+] MainActivity found: com.pwnsec.firestorm.MainActivity@612f258
[*] Calling Password()...
[+] Password obtained: C7_dotpsC7t7f_._In_i.IdttpaofoaIIdIdnndIfC
[*] MainActivity search completed.
[Redmi Note 8::PID::26744 ]->
My temporal password is C7_dotpsC7t7f_._In_i.IdttpaofoaIIdIdnndIfC
So, what can we do with the password?
Checking the strings.xml
file in the resources folder we can see that there are a firebase service.
We have an email! And a password. So, let’s log in!
You need install some packages and modules, like pyrebase4
After some problems, I was run
pip uninstall pyrebase pyrebase4 requests urllib3
pip install --upgrade requests urllib3 pyrebase4
import pyrebase
# Config
firebase_settings = {
"apiKey": "AIzaSyAXsK0qsx4RuLSA9C8IPSWd0eQ67HVHuJY",
"authDomain": "",
"databaseURL": "",
"storageBucket": "",
"projectId": "firestorm-9d3db"
# Init
firebase_instance = pyrebase.initialize_app(firebase_settings)
# Auth
auth_service = firebase_instance.auth()
user_email = ""
user_password = "C7_dotpsC7t7f_._In_i.IdttpaofoaIIdIdnndIfC"
# Log In and get token
print("[*] Authenticating user...")
auth_user = auth_service.sign_in_with_email_and_password(user_email, user_password)
token = auth_user["idToken"]
print("[+] Authentication successful.")
# Access
print("[*] Accessing database...")
database_service = firebase_instance.database()
data = database_service.get(token).val()
print("[+] Database content:")
except Exception as error:
print("[-] An error occurred: {}".format(error))
Execute the script and get the flag!
[*] Authenticating user...
[+] Authentication successful.
[*] Accessing database...
[+] Database content:
Flag: PWNSEC{C0ngr4ts_Th4t_w45_4N_345y_P4$$w0rd_t0_G3t!!!_0R_!5_!t???}
I hope you found it useful (:
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