Description: Great job, Mark! You encrypted the files, inserted them into the mobile application, and then forgot how to decrypt them. Seriously? Now, we have to figure out your mess. Well done! And by the way… YOU’RE FIRED!
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Install the apk with ADB
adb install -r FireInTheHole.apk
We can see some wallpaper screen.
Let’s check the source code with jadx (GUI version)
But before, let’s decompile it with apktool
apktool d FireInTheHole.apk
We can see in the MainActivity are a frida-detection. But we don’t use frida today.
Just taking around code and resources, check the strings.xml
There are a firebase url

Which using the classic /.json
we can list the database.
In Firebase, when you access the Realtime Database through a URL, you can see the structure of the data in the database through a URL, you can see the structure of the data in JSON format. The URL usually ends in .json
, which indicates that you are requesting the data in JSON format.
Or just we can use curl
curl -X GET ""
: BwKZIxIyEkMyRK+uvyrDxA==
: WFLjr63DwQ4GrDNAMLvBsw==
Both in base64.
In the Decrypter class, we can see the following code in onCreate()
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
C0605g b2 = C0605g.b();
this.key = b2;
this.key_databaseReference = b2.e("Key");
C0605g b3 = C0605g.b();
this.IV = b3;
this.IV_databaseReference = b3.e("IV");
try {
InputStream open = getAssets().open("one.txt");
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(open));
while (true) {
String readLine = bufferedReader.readLine();
if (readLine == null) {
decrypt(sb.toString().getBytes(), Base64.decode(getkey(), 0), Base64.decode(getIV(), 0));
} catch (IOException e2) {
throw new RuntimeException(e2);
We can see that try decrypt the one.txt
file. Which can be found in the assets directory that apktool drop.
Copy the content of one.txt
or just upload the file in cyberchef (
But, trying all .txt
files I don’t have the flag, until I upload Four.txt

Flag: PWNSEC{Y0uR_F!r3_L4ck5_d!sciplin3}
I hope you found it useful (:
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