Description: I created a cookie clicker application to pass the time. There’s a special prize that I can’t seem to get.
Install the apk with ADB
adb install -r click_me.apk
Decompile it with apktool
apktool d click_me.apk
Then, let’s open the apk with jadx (GUI version) for check source code.
The package name is com.example.clickme
. We have the MainActivity, and another class called ActivityMainBinding. But we’ll work with the first one.
We have the main logic here:
public final void getFlagButtonClick(View view) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(view, "view");
if (this.CLICKS == 99999999) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), getFlag(), 0).show();
} else {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "You do not have enough cookies to get the flag", 0).show();
Mmmm… This may be really simple, we just need change 99999999
by 0
So, come to smali
directory that apktool has drop to us.
tree click_me/smali/com/example/clickme/
├── BuildConfig.smali
├── databinding
│ └── ActivityMainBinding.smali
├── MainActivity$Companion.smali
├── MainActivity.smali
├── R$color.smali
├── R$drawable.smali
├── R$id.smali
├── R$layout.smali
├── R$mipmap.smali
├── R$string.smali
├── R$style.smali
└── R.smali
We just need MainActivity.smali
We can found the declaration of variables.
The 0x5f5e0ff
number is 99999999
And 0x0
is 0
We just need change 0x5f5e0ff
by 0x0
Then, the logic in java code must look like:
if (this.CLICKS == 0) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), getFlag(), 0).show();
Save the .smali
file. And it’s rebuild time!
Come to our directory path where we have the original apk.
apktool b click_me
This will create a new apk (patched) in click_me/dist/click_me.apk
Let’s align the .apk
with zipalign
zipalign -v -p 4 click_me/dist/click_me.apk clicc_me-aligned.apk
Now, let’s create a key with keytool
keytool -genkey -v -keystore name.keystore -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias alias
And then, sign the aligned apk with apksigner
apksigner sign --ks name.keystore --ks-key-alias alias --ks-pass pass:lautaro --key-pass pass:lautaro --out click_me-signed.apk click_me-aligned.apk
Let’s uninstall the original app in our device, then, install the new signed apk with ADB
adb install -r click_me-signed.apk
Run the app, then, GET THE FLAG!
Flag: flag{849d9e5421c59358ee4d568adebc5a70}
I hope you found it useful (:
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