Description: I found a cool android app to play with a cowboy cat! There’s has to be more going on with the app I can’t see on my screen…

Install the APK with ADB
adb install -r kittykittybangbang.apk
Let’s decompile it with apktool
apktool d kittykittybangbang.apk
Also, we can inspect the source code with jadx (GUI version)
We can see in the MainActivity class the following java code
public static final boolean onCreate$lambda$0(MainActivity this$0, View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter(this$0, "this$0");
Log.i("kitty kitty bang bang", "Listening for taps...");
if (motionEvent.getAction() != 0) {
return true;
Log.i("kitty kitty bang bang", "Screen tapped!");
Log.i("kitty kitty bang bang", "BANG!");
Log.i("kitty kitty bang bang", "flag{" + this$0.stringFromJNI() + '}');
return true;
After a scare (I had the volume too loud) I noticed that the application reacts after a screen tap.
And that’s why app’s called Kitty and there’s a cat…

Just run logcat grepping flag string
adb logcat | grep flag{
Flag: flag{f9028245dd46eedbf9b4f8861d73ae0f}
I hope you found it useful (:
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