LabyREnth CTF 2017 – 1 – EzDroid

Note: For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.
For example, an ARM Translator.


Install the apk with adb

					adb install -r EzDroid.apk

The app doesn’t launch, even if we start the activity with adb

					adb shell am start -n com.labyrenth.manykeys.manykeys/.EZMain

So, let’s decompile it with apktool

					apktool d EzDroid.apk

And let’s inspect the source code with jadx

And yes, here’s the problem. In de MainActivity, we can see that in the onCreate method, we have an if condition that calls to another class with the buh method

					public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  
        final onoes classOne = new onoes();  
        if (classOne.checkers(this).booleanValue()) {  
            Toast.makeText(this, "You chose poor execution tactics...", 0).show();  

And the buh() method is

					public void buh() {  

And the checkers that onCreate method are calling in if (classOne.checkers(this).booleanValue()) are:

					public Boolean checkers(Context paramContext) {  
        boolean cheeky = false;  
        try {  
            TelephonyManager localTelephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) paramContext.getSystemService("phone");  
            if (Build.PRODUCT.contains("sdk")) {  
                cheeky = true;  
            } else if (Build.MODEL.contains("sdk")) {  
                cheeky = true;  
            } else if (localTelephonyManager.getSimOperatorName().equals("Android")) {  
                cheeky = true;  
            } else if (localTelephonyManager.getNetworkOperatorName().equals("Android")) {  
                cheeky = true;  
            } else {  
                cheeky = false;  
        } catch (Exception e) {  
        return cheeky;  

So, the value is True if our PRODUCT or MODEL contains sdk and also the Android compassion. So, while that is True, then the buh() method will be called.
Else, this will don’t call the buh() function.

So, we need modify the smali file that contains this hardcoded strings. We can replace sdk and Android words by any random string value.

					cat onoes.smali | grep -E "sdk|Android" -n


					61:    const-string v4, "sdk"
86:    const-string v4, "sdk"
109:    const-string v4, "Android"
132:    const-string v4, "Android"

Here’s are the line numbers of the code that we need change. I modify the onoes.smali with

					61:    const-string v4, "QQQQQQQQ"
86:    const-string v4, "QQQQQQQQQ"
109:    const-string v4, "QQQQQQQQQ"
132:    const-string v4, "QQQQQQQQQQQQQ"

So now, we need rebuild the app.
We can use apktool

					apktool b EzDroid

And then, generate a key

					keytool -genkey -v -keystore name.keystore -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias alias

Now, sign the apk

					jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore name.keystore EzDroid/dist/EzDroid.apk alias

And, uninstall the original app from the emulator, and install the new apk

					adb install -r EzDroid/dist/EzDroid.apk

And now we can see the activity:


Notice that the code now will execute this line
String sVal = classOne.retIt();
This line call to retIt() method from onoes class.

					public String retIt() {  
        String outpoot = new Object() { // from class: com.labyrenth.manykeys.manykeys.onoes.1  
            int t;  
            public String toString() {  
                this.t = -1041749503;  
                this.t = -1865645093;  
                this.t = -1972361451;  
                this.t = -1779558645;  
                this.t = 339200404;  
                this.t = 1725700009;  
                this.t = -1760823842;  
                this.t = -1727695801;  
                this.t = -685164605;  
                this.t = 1706546180;  
                this.t = 757601807;  
                this.t = -979820414;  
                this.t = -660212506;  
                byte[] buf = {(byte) (this.t >>> 5), (byte) (this.t >>> 9), (byte) (this.t >>> 7), (byte) (this.t >>> 18), (byte) (this.t >>> 2), (byte) (this.t >>> 4), (byte) (this.t >>> 13), (byte) (this.t >>> 22), (byte) (this.t >>> 20), (byte) (this.t >>> 15), (byte) (this.t >>> 21), (byte) (this.t >>> 14), (byte) (this.t >>> 12)};  
                return new String(buf);  
        return outpoot;  

Then, this is the value that the System.out.println is showed, we can use logcat with adb

					adb logcat -c && adb logcat | grep Part


					I/System.out( 8828): Part1: PAN{ez_droid_

We can see that the flag is building.
So, let’s keep doing the challenge for complete the flag.

Now we need work with this part of the EzMain activity code

					String sVal = classOne.retIt();  
        System.out.println("Part1: " + sVal);  
        final String[] hints = {"two plus one", "one plus one", "five plus two", "three plus zero", "nine minus two", "two plus two", "three plus three", "eleven minus ten", "negative two plus nine", "one plus one", "five plus two", "three plus one"};  
        final ArrayList<Integer> inputs = new ArrayList<>();  
        final EditText getInput = (EditText) findViewById(;  
        Button clickButton = (Button) findViewById(;  
        clickButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { // from class: com.labyrenth.manykeys.manykeys.EZMain.1  
            int i = 1;  
            @Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener  
            public void onClick(View view) {  
                String newInput = getInput.getText().toString().trim();  
                int input = Integer.parseInt(newInput);  
                if (this.i != 12) {  
                if (!Build.PRODUCT.contains("sdk")) {  
                } else {  
                    Toast.makeText(EZMain.this, "You're in an emulator...", 0).show();  
                System.out.println("You should have the key...soon");  

he correct order of value that we must insert is 3 2 7 3 7 4 6 1 7 2 7 4
But, when we send the last number, the app crash again.
So, there are some bypass that we must to do.

					if (!Build.PRODUCT.contains("sdk")) {  

Here, as previously we do, change sdk for any random characters.
Remember, now the patch must be in the new builded apk, that is in EzDroid/dist/EzDroid.apk
For work better, move the apk to our actual directory.
mv EzDroid/dist/EzDroid.apk EzDroid2.apk and rename with 2
Because we must decompile it with apktool again for access to the smali files.

					cat EZMain\$1.smali | grep "sdk"

141:    const-string v3, "sdk"

So in /EzDroid2/smali/com/labyrenth/manykeys/manykeys we need modify the file EZMain\$1.smali.

Rebuild the apk and sign as previously we has been do.

					apktool b EzDroid2


					jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore name.keystore EzDroid2/dist/EzDroid2.apk alias

Uninstall the app and reinstall the new apk

					adb install -r EzDroid2/dist/EzDroid2.apk

Run the new apk installed and then, complete the inputs with this values
3 2 7 3 7 4 6 1 7 2 7 4 while you are running the logcat command

					adb logcat -c && adb logcat | grep Part

Notice that the app is crashing. But the logs show the second part of the challenge

					I/System.out( 8828): Part1: PAN{ez_droid_
I/System.out( 8828): Part 2: 2start_

At this point, the flag is PAN{ez_droid_2star

Let keep doing the CTF.
The app crashes when this line is executed
Boolean outAns = classTwo.lastCheck("72657031616365746831732121");
The Code of below is the rest

					Boolean outAns = classTwo.lastCheck("72657031616365746831732121");  
        if (outAns.booleanValue()) {  
            System.out.println("You did it, put the key together...");  
        } else {  

So, at this point, we need look the lastCheck method in onoes class.
And too, the getHexString that will give us the flag.

					public Boolean lastCheck(String strValue) {  
        boolean result;  
        if ((Long.parseLong(strValue) * (-37)) + 42 == 17206538691L) {  
            result = true;  
            System.out.println("\nDid you get it?  You should know...");  
        } else {  
            result = false;  
        return Boolean.valueOf(result);  
    public void getHexString(String strval) {  
        String outie = "" + strval.charAt(14) + strval.charAt(3) + strval.charAt(14) + strval.charAt(11) + strval.charAt(5) + strval.charAt(4) + strval.charAt(14) + strval.charAt(13) + strval.charAt(19) + strval.charAt(6) + strval.charAt(14) + strval.charAt(13) + strval.charAt(14) + strval.charAt(1) + strval.charAt(14) + strval.charAt(14) + strval.charAt(14) + strval.charAt(1) + strval.charAt(14) + strval.charAt(11) + strval.charAt(5) + strval.charAt(13);  
        String outtput = hexToASCII(outie);  
        System.out.println("Final Part: " + outtput + "}");  

If you notice the log when the app crashes, it show some like

					Process: com.labyrenth.manykeys.manykeys, PID: 11729
java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid long: "72657031616365746831732121"

That means that there an error formatting.
Because, the string (72657031616365746831732121) is 20 chars and long values take 19 digits (20 but 1 less by index 0). Probably, the number is negative for take all 20 chars.
The string 72657031616365746831732121 from hex is

					echo '72657031616365746831732121' | xxd -r  -p

Output: rep1aceth1s!!

That seems like we need found a correct value for strValue of the lastCheck class.
The condition is here

					if ((Long.parseLong(strValue) * (-37)) + 42 == 17206538691L) {  
            result = true;  
            System.out.println("\nDid you get it?  You should know...");

That, is if True, then the getHexString take the value and give us the flag.

So now, we need get the real value for this.
The problem involves integer overflow in Java’s Long data type. We’re trying to solve:

37x = 17206538649 (mod 2^64)
Long variables in Java use 64 bits, so when they overflow, they wrap around. To find x:

  1. Calculate the minimum overflow:
    MAX_LONG + (0 - MIN_LONG + 1) + Overflow
    In Java, a long can hold values from negative 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to positive 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
  2. Keep adding 2^64 until you get a number divisible by 37.
  3. Divide the result by 37 to get x.

9223372036854775807 + (0 - -9223372036854775808 + 1) + 17206538649
9223372036854775807 + 9223372036854775809 + 17206538649
2^64 + 17206538649
Then, the overflow is 18446744090916090265
Let’s bruteforce for get the value.
Here’s a python script

					from decimal import Decimal, getcontext

# Set precision high enough to handle these calculations
getcontext().prec = 100

max_long = Decimal("9223372036854775807")
min_long = Decimal("-9223372036854775808")
mod_base = Decimal(2) ** 64
target = Decimal("17206538691")

# Calculate overflow
overflow = (target - min_long + 1 - 42 + max_long)
print(f"Overflow: {overflow}")

def get_p3(d):
    pos = [14,3,14,11,5,4,14,13,19,6,14,13,14,1,14,14,14,1,14,11,5,13]
    part3 = ''.join(d[p] for p in pos)
    return ''.join(chr(int(part3[i:i+2], 16)) for i in range(0, len(part3), 2))

for i in range(100):
    mul = mod_base * i
    val = mul + overflow
    remainder = val % -37
    quotient = val // -37
    q_len = len(str(quotient))
    if remainder == 0:
        quotient = val // -37
        p3 = get_p3(str(quotient).zfill(64))
        p3_len = len(str(quotient))
        print(f"\t{i}: {p3} ({quotient} : {p3_len})")

print("Calculation complete.")

Output: 11: (-5982727808154625893 : 20)
Now, we need modify again the smali file.

					cat EZMain.smali | grep "72657031616365746831732121" -n

142:   const-string v7, "72657031616365746831732121"

Change 72657031616365746831732121 by -5982727808154625893 and then, rebuild again the apk. You must know the process.

Installing the last apk, reproduce all the steps with logcat running.

					  lautaro   ~/Desktop/CTF/MOBILE/labyREnth_2017/ezdroid  catn sequence.txt
3 2 7 3 7 4 6 1 7 2 7 4

  lautaro   ~/Desktop/CTF/MOBILE/labyREnth_2017/ezdroid  adb install -r EzDroid_Final.apk
Performing Push Install
EzDroid_Final.apk: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 622.8 MB/s (1323698 bytes in 0.002s)
	pkg: /data/local/tmp/EzDroid_Final.apk

  lautaro   ~/Desktop/CTF/MOBILE/labyREnth_2017/ezdroid  adb logcat -c && adb logcat | grep Part

I/System.out(14286): Part1: PAN{ez_droid_
I/System.out(14286): Part 2: 2start_
I/System.out(14286): Final Part: hard2defeat}

Final flag

I hope you found it useful (:

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