Note: For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.
For example, an ARM Translator.
Download APK:
Password: infected

Install the apk with adb
adb install -r Swip3r.apk
Then, decompile this with apktool
apktool d Swip3r.apk
The app crashes when we press the button give me the child.
Let’s inspect the source code with jadx.
There are two java classes.
Pay attention, the MainActivity (Home) is Swip3r, no MainActivity.
You can notice this reading the AndroidManifest.xml file
The Swip3r class (MainActivity) isn’t our interest.
We will work with the MainActivity class.
This activity loads an native library called swiipiin
We can found this as libswiipiin
└── armeabi
But here I can’t find anything.
After inspecting the source code, I notice that the app takes the gestures of the touch screen.
This is the onFling method that we need pay attention
public boolean onFling(MotionEvent motionEvent, MotionEvent motionEvent2, float f, float f2) {
if (motionEvent.getY() - motionEvent2.getY() > 50.0f) {
((TextView) findViewById("");
this.a = 0;
if (this.a == 0 && !this.n) {
this.a = 1;
this.c = 0;
this.g = 4;
this.h = 0;
this.n = true;
this.d = 9;
if (!this.n) {
this.a = 12;
this.i = 13;
this.f = 46;
this.e = 55;
this.d = 4;
((TextView) findViewById(, this.j, this.b, this.f, this.l, this.i, this.e, this.k));
if (this.j == 61441 && this.b == this.l + 12) {
if (this.k == 45333) {
this.l = 8;
this.b = (this.b - this.l) - 10;
((TextView) findViewById(, this.j, this.b, this.f, this.l, this.i, this.e, this.k));
} else if (motionEvent2.getY() - motionEvent.getY() > 50.0f) {
if (this.c == 1 && this.a == 2) {
if (this.d == 4) {
this.c = 2;
this.a = 3;
this.f = 62481;
this.h = 56;
this.i = this.h - 40;
} else if (this.d == 9) {
this.a = 10;
this.n = false;
this.a = 51;
((TextView) findViewById("0oo0oopps!: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.m)));
} else {
this.c = 0;
this.a = 0;
((TextView) findViewById("0oo0oopps!: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.m)));
} else if (motionEvent.getX() - motionEvent2.getX() > 50.0f) {
if (this.a != 1 || !this.n) {
this.c = 0;
this.a = 0;
((TextView) findViewById("0oo0oopps!: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.m)));
} else if (this.g == 4 && this.h == 0) {
this.c = 1;
this.a = 2;
this.l = 7;
this.d = 4;
} else if (motionEvent2.getX() - motionEvent.getX() <= 50.0f) {
((TextView) findViewById("0oo0oopps!: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.m)));
} else if (this.c == 2 && this.a == 3) {
if (this.f == 62481) {
this.j = 61441;
this.k = 45333;
((TextView) findViewById("");
((TextView) findViewById(;
this.h = 333;
this.b = 1;
this.e = this.b + this.h;
this.b = 19;
} else if (this.a == 51 || this.l == 7) {
this.f = 45;
this.h = 222;
this.k = 47806;
((TextView) findViewById(, this.j, this.b, this.f, this.l, this.i, this.e, this.k));
} else {
this.c = 0;
this.a = 0;
this.f = 9;
((TextView) findViewById("0oo0oopps!: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.m)));
return true;
This use coordinates and check if the movement is up, down, left or right.
According to the correct swipe steps, we will get the flag.
After some tries and erros.
Reading the source code and the resources folder (res/drawable
). I match with the correct pattern and is up, left, down, right, up, left, down, right
I install the apk in my physic test device because the emulator don’t take the gestures.
So, after try, I get the flag

I hope you found it useful (:
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