BSides Canberra 2019 – You Shall Not Pass

BSides CTF 2019

Install the correct APK, depends of your cpu device. You can check with

					getprop ro.product.cpu.abi

In my case, is arm64-v8a.
Then, install with ADB

					adb install -r PasswordChecker-arm64-v8a.apk

We can see a simply password checker.
That *return true or false*.
Let’s inspect the source code with jadx (GUI version).
And, decompile it with apktool

					apktool d PasswordChecker-arm64-v8a.apk

We have the package name io.cybears.rev.passwordchecker and just one activity (MainActivity). And just the code that exists for our interest is the Main

					public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {  
    public native String checkPassword(String str);  
    public native String checkPassword2(String str);  
    public native String checkPassword3(String str);  
    public native String stringFromJNI();  
    static {  
    public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {  
    public void checkPassword(View view) {  
        String charSequence = ((TextView) findViewById(;  
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "RESULT:" + checkPassword3(charSequence), 0).show();  

Well, the only thing that we can check is the libraries. It can be found inside of the lib directory that apktool drop.
Let’s open it with ghidra.

We just need need inspect the checkPassword3 function from the libnative.

The flag start with the string cybears. This may be useful for work with the script.

This script uses the Z3 symbolic solver to model the constraints given in the disassembly code. Each byte of the flag is defined as a symbolic variable (Int), and the disassembly conditions are translated into mathematical constraints. Then, Z3 finds values that satisfy all the constraints, thus constructing the flag.

I noticed this because the problem involves many algebraic constraints, which is ideal for Z3, since it solves logical satisfiability problems with symbolic expressions. In addition, the script technique avoids iterative or bruteforce approaches, focusing on solving all constraints simultaneously.

Here’s the python script:

					from z3 import *

def solve_flag():
    # create Z3 solver
    solver = Solver()

    # flag representing
    flag = [Int(f'b_{i}') for i in range(23)]

    # Restrict ASCII bytes for printers
    for byte in flag:
        solver.add(byte >= 32, byte <= 126)

    # conditions
    known_prefix = "cybears"
    for i, char in enumerate(known_prefix):
        solver.add(flag[i] == ord(char))

    # dissasemble conditions, add
    solver.add(flag[9] - flag[3] - flag[14] - flag[16] == -114)
    solver.add(flag[6] + flag[17] * flag[0] == 10213)
    solver.add(flag[14] * flag[21] - flag[10] * flag[10] == -6190)
    solver.add(flag[20] + flag[12] - flag[16] == 112)
    solver.add(flag[6] + flag[21] + flag[11] == 261)
    solver.add(flag[3] * flag[1] + flag[10] * flag[13] == 20201)
    solver.add(flag[8] + flag[16] * flag[7] == 6601)
    solver.add(flag[22] * flag[19] - flag[9] == 6290)
    solver.add(flag[12] * flag[14] * flag[21] == 184275)
    solver.add(flag[4] - flag[17] * flag[15] - flag[19] == -4952)
    solver.add(flag[1] * flag[1] - flag[18] == 14592)
    solver.add(flag[10] - (flag[8] + flag[22]) == -112)
    solver.add(flag[1] - flag[4] == 24)
    solver.add(flag[21] * flag[19] * flag[5] == 366282)
    solver.add(flag[8] + flag[15] + flag[11] * flag[14] == 3866)
    solver.add(flag[16] + flag[1] == 174)
    solver.add(flag[11] - flag[6] * flag[4] * flag[15] == -546512)
    solver.add(flag[16] * flag[21] * flag[4] - flag[5] == 323769)
    solver.add(flag[11] * flag[3] - flag[17] * flag[4] == -1511)
    solver.add(flag[9] + flag[16] - flag[5] * flag[14] == -4992)
    solver.add(flag[21] - flag[6] * flag[22] == -14312)
    solver.add(flag[0] - flag[19] * flag[17] * flag[6] == -598131)

    # restrictions resolve
    if solver.check() == sat:
        model = solver.model()
        flag_result = ''.join(chr(model[flag[i]].as_long()) for i in range(23))
        return flag_result
        return "Error"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Flag:", solve_flag())

If we insert the flag to password checker app, the result is true.
Flag: cybears{RU_SAT-15f13d?}

I hope you found it useful (:

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