AHE17: Android Hacking Events 2017 (Flag-Validator)


For this challenge, probably we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.
For example, an ARM Translator.

With apktool will extract the content of the apk file

					apktool d FlagValidator.apk

Let’s see the content of MainActivity.java that say so clear the structure of the flag.
In the onValidateClick method

					public void onValidateClick(View view) {  
        new StringBuilder("Validate Token input: ").append((Object) this.input.getText());  
        String[] split = this.input.getText().toString().split("-");  
        if (split.length != 4) {  
            Toast.makeText(this, "Wrong token format, don't forget - between xxx !", 1).show();  
        } else {  
        new StringBuilder("Subparts ").append(m.cardinality());  
        if (m.cardinality() != 4) {  
            Toast.makeText(this, "Still " + (4 - m.cardinality()) + " token missing !", 1).show();  
        StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();  
        new StringBuilder("Flag combined ").append(stringBuffer.toString());  
        if ("1017e4fefe8381aec8c3fbaf8f8148f53f81d340".equals(org.team_sik.flagvalidator.a.a.a.a.a(stringBuffer.toString(), "SHA1"))) {  
            AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);  
            builder.setMessage("Congratulation !").setCancelable(false).setPositiveButton("Yeah", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { // from class: org.team_sik.flagvalidator.MainActivity.1  
                @Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener  
                public final void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {  

For every part we have a different method
Here is the four methods in org.team_sik.flagvalidator.a.a.b

					public static void a(String str) {  
        if ("cHVtcjRX".equals(org.team_sik.flagvalidator.a.a.a.a.a(str))) {  
            MainActivity.m.set(1, true);  
        } else {  
            MainActivity.m.set(1, false);  
    public static void b(String str) {  
        if (org.team_sik.flagvalidator.a.a.a.a.a(a).equals(str)) {  
            MainActivity.m.set(2, true);  
        } else {  
            MainActivity.m.set(2, false);  
    public static void c(String str) {  
        try {  
            Field declaredField = Class.forName(org.team_sik.flagvalidator.a.a.a.a.a(new int[]{1879986099, 1260141997, 1879986140, 1260142047, -885815433, -256489066, 1879986119, 1260142024, -885815439, -256489003, 1879986156, 1260142046, -885815431, -256489005, 1879986077, 1260142027, -885815428, -256488999, 1879986132, 1260142043, -885815439, -256489004, 1879986138, 1260142025, -885815439, -256489012, 1879986140, 1260142047, -885815490, -256488971, 1879986130, 1260142020, -885815426, -256488967, 1879986128, 1260142041, -885815431, -256489010, 1879986138, 1260142041, -885815447, -885815536, -256489032})).getDeclaredField("TOKEN2");  
            new StringBuilder("Flag value ").append((String) declaredField.get(new MainActivity()));  
            if (((String) declaredField.get(new MainActivity())).equals(str)) {  
                MainActivity.m.set(3, true);  
            } else {  
                MainActivity.m.set(3, false);  
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {  
            Log.e("VAL", "Something went wrong :-(");  
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e2) {  
            Log.e("VAL", "Something went wrong :-(");  
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e3) {  
            Log.e("VAL", "Something went wrong :-(");  
    public static void d(String str) {  
        if ("af246d4dacd2f683ff850dcfe465562f".equals(org.team_sik.flagvalidator.a.a.a.a.a(str, "MD5"))) {  
            MainActivity.m.set(4, true);  
        } else {  
            MainActivity.m.set(4, false);  

Method 1

					public static void a(String str) {  
        if ("cHVtcjRX".equals(org.team_sik.flagvalidator.a.a.a.a.a(str))) {  
            MainActivity.m.set(1, true);  
        } else {  
            MainActivity.m.set(1, false);  

We have the string cHVtcjRX
That have this logic

					public static String a(String str) {  
        String sb = new StringBuilder(str).reverse().toString();  
        String str2 = "";  
        try {  
            str2 = Base64.encodeToString(sb.getBytes("utf-8"), 2);  
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {  
        return str2;  

This about an base64 encode and reversed.

					echo 'cHVtcjRX' | base64 -d | rev

Output: W4rmup

Method 2

					public static void b(String str) {  
        if (org.team_sik.flagvalidator.a.a.a.a.a(a).equals(str)) {  
            MainActivity.m.set(2, true);  
        } else {  
            MainActivity.m.set(2, false);  

And this is the logic

					public static String a(int[] iArr) {  
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();  
        int i = iArr[0];  
        int i2 = iArr[1];  
        int i3 = iArr[iArr.length - 2];  
        int i4 = iArr[iArr.length - 1];  
        for (int i5 = 2; i5 < iArr.length - 2; i5++) {  
            sb.append((char) (iArr[i5] ^ new int[]{i, i2, i3, i4}[(i5 - 2) % 4]));  
        return sb.toString();  

There are another value of a which is

					private static final int[] a = {-1602723372, 811074983, -1602723401, 811075023, -949198329, 1053776347, -1602723400, 811074964, -949198243, 1053776336, -1602723353, -949198285, 1053776311};

This is a simple logic in java working with array. We can do an python script that do the same job an get a fast output

					#!/usr/bin/env python3

def a(iArr):
    sb = []
    i = iArr[0]
    i2 = iArr[1]
    i3 = iArr[-2]
    i4 = iArr[-1]

    for i5 in range(2, len(iArr) - 2):
        decoded_char = chr(iArr[i5] ^ [i, i2, i3, i4][(i5 - 2) % 4])

    return ''.join(sb)

iArr = [-1602723372, 811074983, -1602723401, 811075023, -949198329, 1053776347, 
        -1602723400, 811074964, -949198243, 1053776336, -1602723353, -949198285, 1053776311]

final = a(iArr)

Output: ch4ll3ng3

Method 3

					public static void c(String str) {  
        try {  
            Field declaredField = Class.forName(org.team_sik.flagvalidator.a.a.a.a.a(new int[]{1879986099, 1260141997, 1879986140, 1260142047, -885815433, -256489066, 1879986119, 1260142024, -885815439, -256489003, 1879986156, 1260142046, -885815431, -256489005, 1879986077, 1260142027, -885815428, -256488999, 1879986132, 1260142043, -885815439, -256489004, 1879986138, 1260142025, -885815439, -256489012, 1879986140, 1260142047, -885815490, -256488971, 1879986130, 1260142020, -885815426, -256488967, 1879986128, 1260142041, -885815431, -256489010, 1879986138, 1260142041, -885815447, -885815536, -256489032})).getDeclaredField("TOKEN2");  
            new StringBuilder("Flag value ").append((String) declaredField.get(new MainActivity()));  
            if (((String) declaredField.get(new MainActivity())).equals(str)) {  
                MainActivity.m.set(3, true);  
            } else {  
                MainActivity.m.set(3, false);  
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {  
            Log.e("VAL", "Something went wrong :-(");  
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e2) {  
            Log.e("VAL", "Something went wrong :-(");  
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e3) {  
            Log.e("VAL", "Something went wrong :-(");  

In the MainActivity.java we can see TOKEN2

					public class MainActivity extends d {  
    public static BitSet m;  
    private String TAG = getClass().getSimpleName();  
    private String TOKEN2 = value();  
    private EditText input;  
    static {  
        m = new BitSet(4);  

And value() is

					public native String value();

An string of the native libraries.
Let’s use ghidra for see the libraries and what we can found inside.
I’ll use this .so file

└── x86
    └── libnative-lib.so

The third flag is 5UcC33D3d

Method 4

					public static void d(String str) {  
        if ("af246d4dacd2f683ff850dcfe465562f".equals(org.team_sik.flagvalidator.a.a.a.a.a(str, "MD5"))) {  
            MainActivity.m.set(4, true);  
        } else {  
            MainActivity.m.set(4, false);  

This MD5 is so broke.
You can find in crackstation the string according to the MD5 value

Value: continue1

Then the final flag looks like

Just insert in the text box and

I hope you found it useful (:

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