AHE17: Android Hacking Events 2017 (AES-Decrypt)

For this challenge, we need install some things into our Android 5.1 device with Genymotion.
For example, an ARM Translator.

For download the APK


Now, installing the APK, we can see a button and two text box for decrypt something.

Then, let’s take around the code with jadx.

Just we need this piece of Java code for understand the workflow of the application.
Focus in the loaded library, native-lib.
If we unpack the .apk file we can found this library in

└── armeabi-v7a
    ├── libcrypto.so
    ├── libnative-lib.so
    └── libssl.so

2 directories, 3 files

We can found the native-lib.so file and other libraries about crypto.
Then, let’s use r2 for a Static Analysis of the lib.

					r2 libnative-lib.so


					[0x0000347c]> aaa
INFO: Analyze all flags starting with sym. and entry0 (aa)
INFO: Analyze imports (af@@@i)
INFO: Analyze entrypoint (af@ entry0)
INFO: Analyze symbols (af@@@s)
INFO: Recovering variables
INFO: Analyze all functions arguments/locals (afva@@@F)
INFO: Analyze function calls (aac)

Check the exports (global symbols)

					[0x0000347c]> iE
3   0x00003518 0x00003518 GLOBAL FUNC   1228     Java_challenge_teamsik_aesdecryption_MainActivity_decryptAES

Now we will disassemble the function.
This function is an global exported, then, we can inspect this.

					[0x00003518]> pdf 3
Do you want to print 447 lines? (y/N) y
            ; ICOD XREF from fcn.0000db5c @ 0xdb78(x)
┌ 1068: sym.Java_challenge_teamsik_aesdecryption_MainActivity_decryptAES (int16_t arg1, int16_t arg3, int16_t arg_f0h);
│           ; arg int16_t arg1 @ r0
│           ; arg int16_t arg3 @ r2
│           ; arg int16_t arg_f0h @ sp+0x208
; ICOD XREF from fcn.0000c840 @ 0xc84a(x)
│           0x000038a2      0546           mov r5, r0
│           0x000038a4      fff76eeb       blx sym.imp.__aeabi_memcpy
│           0x000038a8      dff81891       ldr.w sb, [0x000039c4]      ; [0x39c4:4]=0xbed6
│           0x000038ac      464c           ldr r4, [0x000039c8]        ; [0x39c8:4]=0xbede
│           0x000038ae      f944           add sb, pc                  ; 0xf788 ; "CHALLENGE"
│           0x000038b0      7c44           add r4, pc                  ; 0xf792 ; "0x%2x"
│           ; CODE XREF from sym.Java_challenge_teamsik_aesdecryption_MainActivity_decryptAES @ 0x38c2(x)
│       ┌─> 0x000038b2      ab5d           ldrb r3, [r5, r6]
│       ╎   0x000038b4      0320           movs r0, 3                  ; androidLogPriority prio
│       ╎   0x000038b6      4946           mov r1, sb                  ; const char *tag
│       ╎   0x000038b8      2246           mov r2, r4                  ; const char *fmt
│       ╎   0x000038ba      fff76aeb       blx sym.imp.__android_log_print ; int __android_log_print(androidLogPriority prio, const char *tag, const char *fmt)
│       ╎   0x000038be      0136           adds r6, 1
│       ╎   0x000038c0      202e           cmp r6, 0x20
│       └─< 0x000038c2      f6d1           bne 0x38b2
│           0x000038c4      dff804c1       ldr.w ip, [0x000039cc]      ; [0x39cc:4]=0xc458
│           0x000038c8      0df1c009       add.w sb, s
│           ; ICOD XREF from fcn.0000c81a @ 0xc81c(x)
│           0x000038cc      fc44           add ip, pc                  ; 0xfd28 ; "+NvwsZ48j3vyDIaMu6LrjnNn8/OAnexGUXn3POeavI8="
│           0x000038ce      ce46           mov lr, sb
│           0x000038d0      bce85d00       ldm.w ip!, {r0, r2, r3, r4, r6}
│           0x000038d4      aee85d00       stm.w lr!, {r0, r2, r3, r4, r6}
│           0x000038d8      bce85f00       ldm.w ip!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r6}
│           0x000038dc      aee85f00       stm.w lr!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r6}
│           0x000038e0      9cf80000       ldrb.w r0, [ip]
│           0x000038e4      8ef80000       strb.w r0, [lr]
│           0x000038e8      4846           mov r0, sb                  ; const char *s
│           0x000038ea      fff758eb       blx sym.imp.strlen          ; size_t strlen(const char *s)
│           0x000038ee      09aa           add r2, var_24h             ; int16_t arg3
│           0x000038f0      0146           mov r1, r0                  ; int16_t arg2
│           0x000038f2      4846           mov r0, sb                  ; int16_t arg1
│           0x000038f4      00f076f8       bl fcn.000039e4
│           0x000038f8      354b           ldr r3, [0x000039d0]        ; [0x39d0:4]=0xc450
│           0x000038fa      2a46           mov r2, r5                  ; int16_t arg3
│           0x000038fc      0999           ldr r1, [var_24h]           ; int16_t arg2
│           0x000038fe      a7f1d606       sub.w r6, r7, 0xd6
│           0x00003902      7b44           add r3, pc                  ; int16_t arg4
│           0x00003904      0096           str r6, [sp]
│           0x00003906      00f0a7f8       bl fcn.00003a58
│           0x0000390a      b0f1ff3f       cmp.w r0, -1                ; 0xffffffff ; -1
│       ┌─< 0x0000390e      07d0           beq 0x3920
│       │   0x00003910      0021           movs r1, 0
│       │   0x00003912      3154           strb r1, [r6, r0]
│       │   0x00003914      3146           mov r1, r6
│       │   0x00003916      d8f80000       ldr.w r0, [r8]
│       │   0x0000391a      d0f89c22       ldr.w r2, [r0, 0x29c]
│      ┌──< 0x0000391e      05e0           b 0x392c
│      ││   ; CODE XREF from sym.Java_challenge_teamsik_aesdecryption_MainActivity_decryptAES @ 0x390e(x)
│      │└─> 0x00003920      d8f80000       ldr.w r0, [r8]
│      │    0x00003924      2b49           ldr r1, [0x000039d4]        ; [0x39d4:4]=0xbe6a
│      │    0x00003926      d0f89c22       ldr.w r2, [r0, 0x29c]
│      │    0x0000392a      7944           add r1, pc                  ; 0xf798 ; "Invalid key used!"
│      │    ; CODE XREF from sym.Java_challenge_teamsik_aesdecryption_MainActivity_decryptAES @ 0x391e(x)
│      └──> 0x0000392c      4046           mov r0, r8
│           0x0000392e      9047           blx r2
│           0x00003930      2949           ldr r1, [0x000039d8]        ; [0x39d8:4]=0xf4b8
│           0x00003932      3c9a           ldr r2, [var_f0h]
│           0x00003934      7944           add r1, pc                  ; 0x12df0
│                                                                      ; reloc.__stack_chk_guard
│           0x00003936      0968           ldr r1, [r1]                ; 0x12df0
│                                                                      ; reloc.__stack_chk_guard
│           0x00003938      0968           ldr r1, [r1]
│           0x0000393a      891a           subs r1, r1, r2
│           0x0000393c      04bf           itt eq
│           0x0000393e      3db0           add sp, 0xf4
└           0x00003940      bde8f08f       pop.w {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, sb, sl, fp, pc}

Now let’s see the strings

					0x00003518]> iz 3
nth paddr      vaddr      len size section type  string
0   0x0000f788 0x0000f788 9   10   .rodata ascii CHALLENGE
1   0x0000f792 0x0000f792 5   6    .rodata ascii 0x%2x
2   0x0000f798 0x0000f798 17  18   .rodata ascii Invalid key used!
3   0x0000f7aa 0x0000f7aa 20  21   .rodata ascii Initalizing OpenSSL:
4   0x0000f7bf 0x0000f7bf 44  45   .rodata ascii 0fk8j09RWT8+bKFQ0BdwRVjM+PuM5GeauUORaOtuP5A=
5   0x0000f7ec 0x0000f7ec 64  65   .rodata ascii 0fk8j09RWT8+bKFQ0BdwRTwVQHvav+HIQH3zWg0UtCw8RCtgr772N3KAfKdWMKZN
6   0x0000f82d 0x0000f82d 44  45   .rodata ascii 0fk8j09RWT8+bKFQ0BdwRWYaE95rIj008XoTqeq1YJU=
7   0x0000f85a 0x0000f85a 44  45   .rodata ascii 0fk8j09RWT8+bKFQ0BdwRVw0J6O9tU1N3bUR4SpMgIE=
8   0x0000f887 0x0000f887 44  45   .rodata ascii pJolsMEG1ZjA39Z0RdSfbtgf/6QqiXXgLDYZWMRIpno=
9   0x0000f8b4 0x0000f8b4 64  65   .rodata ascii 5XN3JZ0qQnZOlVT+FvZutMspEknw0l2ylINvmahr58xEQL4+3GEWnF/ojZ8OwwdZ
10  0x0000f8f5 0x0000f8f5 64  65   .rodata ascii 5XN3JZ0qQnZOlVT+FvZutEVENxTKdhobEn9okV2h5Bj8PXPBkbRrEEDjxknjA16H
11  0x0000f936 0x0000f936 64  65   .rodata ascii u9o2dJItY/yt633wMhsDP2BaKb9kHJm/HZtwOe4L1ADV+U+aiHgpGhZ7EEaEcHq9
12  0x0000f977 0x0000f977 44  45   .rodata ascii ZrnY4AKdp5ByAoHREWtYv+NamtJA/p0Swvc6D6u7qx0=
13  0x0000f9a4 0x0000f9a4 44  45   .rodata ascii P2m808wtZdzcP9ouyfWvjoGLm2jZi0D4uK5YnjsP+B4=
14  0x0000f9d1 0x0000f9d1 64  65   .rodata ascii 5jW+2fK2AEWXkb5wmwjbau9My2QuA9MhMDQP06c9e+pCDbCx7kdtJ6ZJQSkeJdWk
15  0x0000fa12 0x0000fa12 24  25   .rodata ascii YqXS6chhZJr0JwhXiBTwSA==
16  0x0000fa2b 0x0000fa2b 44  45   .rodata ascii l23Klp6+80bbLX8Aor0Aitb5I2paF+dxz8UpAQylJKI=
17  0x0000fa58 0x0000fa58 24  25   .rodata ascii HUO0GJiv0BJHQu49yAOsvg==
18  0x0000fa71 0x0000fa71 88  89   .rodata ascii me/LE9SHGipWIAdMwewSpNxMcbHu7koanAld8nvXh4Nkf7Mn9o/GPj6dCB95B00SaEw4OTn6MBdjKnFBmMEmQw==
19  0x0000faca 0x0000faca 24  25   .rodata ascii 9H7sv0baQSW+dJcuy1kTcg==
20  0x0000fae3 0x0000fae3 44  45   .rodata ascii djcVuQzrYzzvIBzv6qwU78XoK9b9Axx6rzOipkBNI9M=
21  0x0000fb10 0x0000fb10 24  25   .rodata ascii Tc6oeVRcAP5Ed1yKFb1y4Q==
22  0x0000fb29 0x0000fb29 24  25   .rodata ascii k70Em+XsW/0rwt6FiPz5cw==
23  0x0000fb42 0x0000fb42 24  25   .rodata ascii 1mwCw3AgNVhGG+gPBXu7gQ==
24  0x0000fb5b 0x0000fb5b 24  25   .rodata ascii j3PbP1T7rSkj3zq+hkGqLA==
25  0x0000fb74 0x0000fb74 24  25   .rodata ascii FwB0AaNtkiZqymRhe2dV/g==
26  0x0000fb8d 0x0000fb8d 88  89   .rodata ascii me/LE9SHGipWIAdMwewSpOgpB/hPmqJ505Coc0q+diYVOvgpUNs3r6VIZHETDSh3zKheQnLGhBEuPlgw/wRtxA==
27  0x0000fbe6 0x0000fbe6 24  25   .rodata ascii 26Ai/jguFtNz4eK3Rfcuxg==
28  0x0000fbff 0x0000fbff 44  45   .rodata ascii 1ZIXfbbppzkz4tclxQA3BtcRorc3mMLTivhI3S9tjUM=
29  0x0000fc2c 0x0000fc2c 88  89   .rodata ascii +jrIt+CNy/la9PHTLuZUjvkays5GIPScMVpJpyV+nul+WkiY6pmTRD0v/pCtowvxt6mEAwXZXU4Zr9dx90s3Kw==
30  0x0000fc85 0x0000fc85 24  25   .rodata ascii jHDAGbW9MO5AA/jXIj4VRA==
31  0x0000fc9e 0x0000fc9e 44  45   .rodata ascii udv/kxBBdbg3PItkFW6Kms/ko9FHaJzGIagOHSAJsC0=
32  0x0000fccb 0x0000fccb 24  25   .rodata ascii pV1HOig44OVVCUGk57OhuQ==
33  0x0000fce4 0x0000fce4 44  45   .rodata ascii 7fIEIbf6NxVvrVFmlEAdYLUSriDuoGdtLbvZWBjJ3LI=
34  0x0000fd11 0x0000fd11 21  22   .rodata ascii You used a wrong key!
35  0x0000fd28 0x0000fd28 44  45   .rodata ascii +NvwsZ48j3vyDIaMu6LrjnNn8/OAnexGUXn3POeavI8=

A lot of text.
So, let’s see the imports

					[0x00003518]> ii
nth vaddr      bind   type lib name
1   0x00002f3c GLOBAL FUNC     __cxa_finalize
2   0x00002f30 GLOBAL FUNC     __cxa_atexit
6   ---------- GLOBAL OBJ      __sF
9   0x00002f78 GLOBAL FUNC     malloc
10  0x00002f84 GLOBAL FUNC     __aeabi_memcpy
11  0x00003098 GLOBAL FUNC     strcpy
12  0x00002f90 GLOBAL FUNC     __android_log_print
13  0x00002f9c GLOBAL FUNC     strlen
14  0x00002fa8 GLOBAL FUNC     __stack_chk_fail
15  ---------- GLOBAL OBJ      __stack_chk_guard
16  ---------- GLOBAL FUNC     __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0
17  0x00002fb4 GLOBAL FUNC     calloc
18  0x00002fc0 GLOBAL FUNC     BIO_f_base64
19  0x00002fcc GLOBAL FUNC     BIO_new
20  0x00002fd8 GLOBAL FUNC     BIO_s_mem
21  0x00002fe4 GLOBAL FUNC     BIO_write
22  0x00002ff0 GLOBAL FUNC     BIO_push
23  0x00002ffc GLOBAL FUNC     BIO_set_flags
24  0x00003008 GLOBAL FUNC     BIO_read
25  0x00003014 GLOBAL FUNC     BIO_free_all
26  0x00003020 GLOBAL FUNC     EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new
27  0x0000302c GLOBAL FUNC     ERR_print_errors_fp
28  0x00003038 GLOBAL FUNC     EVP_aes_256_cbc
29  0x00003044 GLOBAL FUNC     EVP_DecryptInit_ex
30  0x00003050 GLOBAL FUNC     EVP_DecryptUpdate
31  0x0000305c GLOBAL FUNC     EVP_DecryptFinal_ex
32  0x00003068 GLOBAL FUNC     EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free
33  0x00003074 GLOBAL FUNC     ERR_load_crypto_strings
34  0x00003080 GLOBAL FUNC     OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf
35  0x0000308c GLOBAL FUNC     OPENSSL_config

We can found some interesting functions of OPENSSL, and Encryption/Decryption.

And will use the EVP_DecryptInit_ex function. Why?
Looking with ghidra, we have this information

In this function, we have the IV and the Key.
Then, hooking the function with frida, we have the following Key:


And the IV:


Here’s a python script for get the flag

					from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
import base64

# Convert B64 to bytes
key_b64 = "AMKyAMuv7U4Us1KTVjb2AGV8QGy7jynAoU+77LatjlQ="
iv_b64 = "mT92BqeIHGdJJ2YGjenYqg=="

key = base64.b64decode(key_b64)
iv = base64.b64decode(iv_b64)

# Message in B64
ciphertext_b64 = "T9WoXhrsQHgY3NLr8SwBbw=="
ciphertext = base64.b64decode(ciphertext_b64)

# Make the cypher object
cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CBC(iv), backend=default_backend())
decryptor = cipher.decryptor()

# Decrypt
plaintext = decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize()

# Decode UTF-8
plaintext = plaintext.decode('utf-8')

print("Flag:", plaintext)

The ciphertext_b64 variable is the base64 string on the startup app message.
And the flag is

					Flag: AHE17{Frida!}

I hope you found it useful (:

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