Description: Lenny Kravitz lovers, this new app cleverly named “Fly Away!” can give you random lines from one of his most popular songs. Can you figure out how the songs are being sent to the app?

NahamCon 2024

Install the APK with ADB

					adb install -r flyaway.apk

This app was made in reFlutter. You need install it for proceed with this challenge.
Once you install reFlutter, run

					reflutter flyaway.apk

Then, choose 2. Display absolute code offset for functions and set your machine IP.
This will drop a file named release.RE.apk.
Let’s create a key for the sign process.

					keytool -genkey -v -keystore name.keystore -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias alias

Align with zipalign

					/usr/lib/jvm/java-22-openjdk/build-tools/34.0.0/zipalign -v -p 4 release.RE.apk release-re-align.apk

Then, sign the apk

					/usr/lib/jvm/java-22-openjdk/build-tools/34.0.0/apksigner sign --ks name.keystore --ks-key-alias alias --ks-pass pass:lautaro --key-pass pass:lautaro --out flyaway-signed.apk release-re-align.apk

The final apk is flyaway-signed.apk.
Let’s install again in our device

					adb install flyaway-signed.apk

This will drop a file in sandbox app directory, we go with adb shell here /data/data/com.nahamcon2024.flyaway/.

Then, we can see this file dump.dart.
Let’s pull to our machine

If you have a physical device (like me) you need move as root to sdcard directory for pulling files as you can see in the image.

We can see in the dump.dart the method decryptIntegrityCheck (In you case, it may vary), depends in some special case this may differ.

The reFlutter people have this javascript script for frida:

					//frida -U -f <package> -l frida.js

function hookFunc() {

    var dumpOffset = '0x20801C' // _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions + code offset

    var argBufferSize = 150

    var address = Module.findBaseAddress('') // (Android) or App (IOS) 
    console.log('\n\nbaseAddress: ' + address.toString())

    var codeOffset = address.add(dumpOffset)
    console.log('codeOffset: ' + codeOffset.toString())
    console.log('Wait..... ')

    Interceptor.attach(codeOffset, {
        onEnter: function(args) {

            console.log('\n    Hook Function: ' + dumpOffset);

            for (var argStep = 0; argStep < 50; argStep++) {
                try {
                    dumpArgs(argStep, args[argStep], argBufferSize);
                } catch (e) {



        onLeave: function(retval) {
            console.log('RETURN : ' + retval)
            dumpArgs(0, retval, 150);


function dumpArgs(step, address, bufSize) {

    var buf = Memory.readByteArray(address, bufSize)

    console.log('Argument ' + step + ' address ' + address.toString() + ' ' + 'buffer: ' + bufSize.toString() + '\n\n Value:\n' +hexdump(buf, {
        offset: 0,
        length: bufSize,
        header: false,
        ansi: false


setTimeout(hookFunc, 1000)

So we need get the _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions from
Let’s decompile with apktool the reflutter apk and let’s found the file:


					readelf -Ws | grep _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions


					2: 0000000000176940 0x2444e0 OBJECT  GLOBAL DEFAULT    7 _kDartIsolateSnapshotInstructions

The value that we need is 0000000000176940.
So, according to the script that reFlutter give us, we need make this sum 0x176940 + 0x59484

Which result in 0x1D5DC4
Modify 0x20801C in the code by 0x1D5DC4. Then, run the script with frida.

We will get the flag.

Flag: flag{b54c3c4aeb37acaa5702ba835237220}

Also, if we set up burpsuite as reFlutter recommends, setting the listener in 8083 port, and in the request handling tab, check for support invisible proxying. You can get the another flag in the response.

Flag: flag{594f480d47ec7e0a32a71a6643922}

I hope you found it useful (:

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