RaziCTF 2020 – Chasing a lock

Description: As locks are so popular many will chase them but why? maybe a flag 🙂

RaziCTF 2020

Install the APK with ADB

					adb install -r chasingALook.apk

We can see that we need touch the icon 20.000 times.
Let’s decompile it with apktool

					apktool d chasingALook.apk

And let’s inspect the source code with jadx (GUI version).
The package name is com.example.razictf_2 and there are just one activity, that is MainActivity. But there are some class like a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 that probably is about flag creation and switcher class also.

Let’s understand the MainActivity code.
We will focus in this piece of code

					public void onClick(View view) {
    TextView textView = (TextView) MainActivity.this.findViewById(R.id.Num);
    int parseInt = Integer.parseInt(textView.getText().toString());
    if (parseInt == 0 || parseInt < 0) {
    int i = parseInt - 1;
    String run = new switcher().run(i);
    if (run != null) {
        ((TextView) MainActivity.this.findViewById(R.id.Flag)).setText(run);

We can see that in this line int i = parseInt - 1; every time that we press the lock, it’s subtracts 1 by 1.
We can try subtracts 20,000 by 20,000 😛

Let’s check the smali files.
The onClick method I found in MainActivity\$2.smali.
Identifying the - 1, we can found in the line 72 as add-int/lit8 v0, v0, -0x1

But, there are a problem. We cannot set -0xE420 (-20000 in hex) directly.
Because this opcode can only handle values between -128 and 127 (because it is an 8-bit literal). That’s why you are getting errors when using -0x4E20 (-20000), because it exceeds that range.

So, we need change add-int/lit8 v0, v0, -0x1 by

					const v1, -0x4E20
add-int v0, v0, v1

const v1, -0x4E20Loads the value -20000 (in hexadecimal: -0x4E20) into register v1.
add-int v0, v0, v1 Adds the value of v1 (-20000) to the counter stored in v0.

Then, it’s rebuild time!
Let’s do it in one block of code, you need run a command per time

					# Build a new apk
apktool b chasingALook

# Generate a key for sign
keytool -genkey -v -keystore name.keystore -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias alias

# Align the apk
/usr/lib/jvm/java-22-openjdk/build-tools/34.0.0/zipalign -v -p 4 chasingALook/dist/chasingALook.apk chasingALook-aligned.apk

# Sign the apk
/usr/lib/jvm/java-22-openjdk/build-tools/34.0.0/apksigner sign --ks name.keystore --ks-key-alias alias --ks-pass pass:lautaro --key-pass pass:lautaro --out chasingALook-signed.apk chasingALook-aligned.apk

# Uninstall the original APK

# Install the signed apk
adb install -r chasingALook-signed.apk

Then, when we run the new app, touch just one time the lock and then, get the flag


I hope you found it useful (:

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